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让自由从科罗拉多的顶部被雪所盖着的落矶山脉响!Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado!

我可以看见冰雪盖顶的高山在远处闪闪发光。I could see snowcapped mountains glittering in the distance.

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阿尔卑斯山的阳光让山头覆盖的雪景,闪亮无比。Snowcapped mountain tops glisten in the strong Alpine sunshine.

让自由之声响彻科罗拉多的白雪皑皑的落基山脉!Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rocky Mountains of Colorado!

比利牛斯山脉巨大的顶部被雪覆盖,挡住了南方的地平线。The great bulk of the snowcapped Pyrénées blocked the southern horizon.

马丁·路德·金曾大声呼吁让自由之声从“科罗拉多州冰雪覆盖的洛基山”响起来。King had called for freedom to ring from "the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado".

冰雪覆盖的日本富士山被云朵环绕着,云中漂浮着滑翔伞。Paragliders float through the clouds that surround snowcapped Mount Fuji in Japan.

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位于摩洛哥中心的马拉喀什市,她坐落于阿特拉斯山脉的雪峰山下。Located in central Morocco, Marrakesh rests at the foothills of the snowcapped Atlas Mountains.

一周之后,我衣橱的洗衣篮里就多了只小爪雪白的灰色班猫,在哪儿楚楚可怜地望着我。By the next week, I had a gray tabby with snowcapped paws peering at me from the laundry basket in the closet.

让自由之声从宾夕法尼亚州阿勒格尼山的顶峰响起来!Let freedom ring from the heightening Alleghenies of Pennsylvania! Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado!

一天,我正遥望着白雪皑皑的群山时,听到了停车声,接着是一阵急促的门铃声。While I stood staring toward the snowcapped mountains one day, I heard a car pull up, then the impatient Peal of the doorbell.

卡纳利群岛位于非洲西南部,从海平面到冰雪覆盖的山峰,有五个明确的环境区。TheCanary Islands lie northwest of Africa and have five distinctenvironmental zones, ranging from sea level to snowcapped peaks.

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在瑞典阿比斯库国家公园,分外显眼的红色秋木与高起的雪山形成鲜明对比。The intensely red autumnal trees in Sweden's Abisko National Park contrast starkly with the snowcapped mountains rising above them.

广阔的马迪迪荒野里包括了一系列从冰雪覆盖的安第斯山脉到亚马逊热带低地的、惊人的生态系统。The vast Madidi wilderness encompasses a staggering range of ecosystems—from snowcapped Andean peaks to tropical Amazonian lowlands.

在瑞典阿比斯库国家公园,分外显眼的红色秋木与高起的雪山形成鲜明对比。Thee intensely red autumnal trees in Sweden's Abisko National Park contrast starkly with the snowcapped mountains rising above them.

上个月,日本很多地方像往年一样,都下了雪,但是从近来的一些照片上可以看到,以往被白雪覆盖的富士山顶如今已经露了出来。Much of Japan has had record snowfall in the last month, but recent photographs of the usually snowcapped Mount Fuji show its slopes looking bare.

为了找寻冰峰雪岭间的种种奇异,多少西方人远足而来前仆后继。In order to experience the multitude of wonders in the region, many Westerns risked their lives journeying over icy peaks and snowcapped mountains.

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进入天山,戈壁滩上的炎暑就远远地被撇在后边,迎面送来的雪山寒气,立刻使你感到象秋天似的凉爽。Up on Tianshan, you have left the heat of the Gobi far behind, while the cool breath of the snowcapped mountains comes to you as fresh as an autumn breeze.

克拉舍宁尼科夫火山位于俄罗斯堪察加半岛的太平洋海岸,拥有两座令人惊叹的白雪覆盖的锥形山峰,它的最后一次喷发在约400年以前。Krasheninnikov Volcano boasts two stunning, snowcapped summit cones. Located on the Pacific shore of Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula, it last erupted some 400 years ago.

克拉舍宁尼科夫火山位于俄罗斯堪察加半岛的太平洋海岸,拥有两座令人惊叹的白雪覆盖的锥形山峰,它的最后一次喷发在约400年以前。Krasheninnikov Volcano boasts two stunning, snowcapped summit cones. Located on the Pacific shore of Russia’s Kamchatka Peninsula, it last erupted some 400 years ago.