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理发师在胡同中敲着唤头招揽生意。The barber was tinkling the metal to canvass for business.

也就是说,它现在提供了在canvass表面上绘制文本的能力。Namely, it now provides facilities for drawing text on a canvass surface.

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公司指示我坐船进入一片荒野,去游说当地居民。The company directed me to travel into the wilderness by boat to canvass the resident natives.

我割开肌肤,为了细察我的心,一颗鲜活的心,一颗血淋淋的心,一颗完整的心。I exscind my skin , in order to canvass my heart, a vivid heart, a bloody heart, an entire heart.

我对在场的各位州长进行了一番简短的游说拉票,接着,我对施特劳斯说,在24个人当中,有20人会投票支持卡特,另外4人不支持。After a quick canvass of the governors present, I told Strauss the vote would be twenty to four for Carter.

雪球证明一个更美好的发言和辩论,但可以更好地游说拿破仑支持在会议之间。Snowball proves a better speaker and debater , but Napoleon can better canvass for support in between meetings.

我们将继续努力打进瑞典市场,争取更多的中国刺绣定单,来开拓未来市场。We shall continue our efforts to canvass the Swedish market for more orders of Chinese embroideries so as to further expand the market.

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我心急,无暇再去想我跟他的事情,迈步就想跳到他船上去游说他去救人。I am anxious, have no time miss again I and his affair, move forward and then want to jump him to canvass him to save a person on board.

会员们讨论如何传播来获取更多的觉醒,传播时代精神电影和讨论支持资源主导型经济的理念和科技。Members discuss ways to canvass for mass awareness, distribute TZM films and discuss ideas and technology that support a resource-based economy.

通过咨询顶级猎头、董事和投资人,我们将清楚地看到,CEO的明日之星们必须完成哪些任务。Canvass top headhunters, directors, and investors, and you get a clear picture of the tasks that star CEOs of tomorrow will need to do extraordinarily well.

像贾达夫女士这样的辅助护士每天的任务就是向村民游说,向他们宣传计划生育的理念,并招徕新婚夫妇加入蜜月一揽子计划。Every day, auxiliary nurses like Ms. Jadhav canvass villages to disseminate information about family planning and solicit new couples for the honeymoon package.

对,我们专营复荡蛴表。我们有精采的发卖渠道,不经由过程任何中心商直接向零售商推销。Yes, we specialize in handling clocks and watches of all sorts. We have well established channels of distribution and we canvass the retailers direct, without any middlemen.

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这样,一旦我国产品遭到国外反倾销指控,行业协会就可利用平时建立起来的互信关系游说对方,尽量避免反倾销,或把反倾销带来的损失降到最低程度。By this way, once our products are accused of anti-dumping accusations, industry associations can canvass with the opposing party by mutual trust relationship which is established before.

对林清祥从未派他们的中学生助手到丹戎巴葛为我助选,却要求使用我的支持者提供来载送丹戎巴葛选民的车辆,她感到愤怒。She was furious that he never sent their high school student helpers to canvass for me in Tanjong Pagar, yet demanded the use of cars provided by my supporters to ferry my Tanjong Pagar voters.