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细菌光合作用的色素是细菌叶绿素。The photosynthetic pigment in bacteria is bacteriochlorophyll.

HL型普那菊苣是高光合、高蒸腾的类型。HL-type was high photosynthetic ability, high transpiration type.

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相对湿度降低,净光合速率也降低。Decreased relative humidity induces decreased net photosynthetic rate.

以鄂豇豆二号品种为材料,研究了豇豆的光合特性。The photosynthetic characteristics of asparagus bean have been studied.

光午休现象主要是由非气孔因素引起的。The photosynthetic depression at midday was due to non-stomatal factors.

对青花菜几个品种的光合特性作了研究。The photosynthetic property of several varieties of broccoli was studied.

试验研究了菰叶片光合作用温度特性。Leaf photosynthetic temperature characteristics of wild rice were studied.

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最普遍的是一些吸收太阳能进行光合作用的植物。The most common by far is photosynthetic plants that capture solar energy.

这些均有利于提高甜菜的光合能力。All this were very useful to raise the photosynthetic ability of sugarbeet.

促根壮苗,增加叶绿素,提高光合效率。Promote root seedlings, increased chlorophyll and photosynthetic efficiency.

采用改良的干重法对西宁地区青稞旗叶光合产物积累进行了研究。Photosynthetic product in flag leaves of highland barley in Xining was studied.

郁金香后期光合速率呈线性陡降。Photosynthetic rate of tulip behaved linearity decreased in anaphase of tulips.

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缺绿的或坏死的侵蚀斑便是减少了光合组织的证据。Chlorotic or necrotic lesions were evidence of decreased photosynthetic tissues.

地衣是一种真菌与藻类的共生体,是广泛分布于世界各地。Lichens are a world-wide spread consortium of fungal and photosynthetic partners.

光合微生物还能在细胞内储存大量的脂肪,这就是用于合成生物燃料的基础原料。Photosynthetic microbes also store plenty of fat, which forms the basis for fuel.

且遮荫条件明显影响体内ATP含量、净光合速率和生物量的积累状况。The shading effects on the content of ATP, net photosynthetic rate and the yield.

这表明高温胁迫降低叶片的光合能力。This shows that heat-stress decelerates progress of leaf photosynthetic capacity.

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叶绿素降低的同时,植物叶片的净光合速率也发生了变化。With the decline of chlorophyll, pure photosynthetic rate of plant leaves change.

但是紫点杓兰的光合作用在开花阶段几乎没有变化。However, flowering almost did not affect the photosynthetic capacity of C. guttatum.

依赖光合作用的生物则利用可用光波来适应环境.Any photosynthetic life would be adapted to take advantage of the available light waves.