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相反,当它运行到最近的位置时,那就叫近地点。At its closest, the moon is said to be at perigee.

这一现象被称为”月球近地点”或”超级月亮”。This phenomenon is called "lunar perigee", or "SuperMoon".

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椭圆轨道半长轴为,近地点到远地点。A The ellipse has a semimajor axis A, -2a perigee to apogee-- is 2a.

现在我们要看看,近地点和远地点的情况。Now we want to know what the situation is with perigee and with apogee.

本文提供一种保持轨道形状和近地点位置不变的控制方法。This paper offers a method which maintain orbital shape and perigee location.

如果这是一个围绕,地球的椭圆形轨道,那么这是近地点,这是远地点。If this is an ellipse around the Earth, then this would be perigee and this would be apogee.

错误地认为做椭圆运动的卫星在近地点和远地点的轨道曲率半径不同。Mistakenly believe that doing elliptical motion of the satellite perigee and apogee of the orbit radius of curvature different.

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嫦娥三号已经按照计划进入了近地点高度200公里、远地点高度约38万公里的地月转移轨道。The probe entered the earth-moon transfer orbit as scheduled, with a perigee of 200 kilometers and apogee of 380,000 kilometers.

人造地球卫星的轨道由于大气阻力和地球引力场等因素的摄动,其形状和近地点位置将不断改变。The shape and perigee of artificial satellite orbits shall continually variate due to caused by the atmospherical drag and the earth gravity.

两圆轨道之间的双共切转移轨道是其近地点和远地点分别在这两个圆轨道上的椭圆轨道。The dual-tangential transfer orbit between two circular orbits is a special elliptical orbit that it's perigee and apogee are located at the two orbits respectively.

为了保证冻结轨道的冻结特性,平面内轨道控制需要对半长轴、偏心率和近地点幅角都控制。In order to guarantee the characteristics of frozen orbit, in-plane orbit control needs to adjust the semi-major axis, eccentricity, argument of perigee simultaneously.

而之所以其它彗星无法像Elenin那样引发地震的原因就是Elenin在深太空中的时间很长,收集了足够多的电荷和能量,而在到达太阳的近地点时会释放这些能量。The reason Elenin is causing quakes when other comets do not is because Elenin has been in deep space a long time gathering electrons and storing energy for discharging to the sun at perigee.