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它也可以是一个非常完善和复杂的设计,装饰镂空。It can also be ornamental openwork of a very refined and intricate design.

围绕着环形平台有72座透雕细工的印度塔,内有佛龛,每个佛龛供奉一尊佛像。Around the circular platforms are72 openwork stupas, each containing a statue of the Buddha.

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这镂空瓷笔筒装饰有龙,传统的权力象征。This openwork porcelain brush pot is decorated with a dragon, a traditional symbol of power.

是一个银质的镂空的珠子,可以通过转动打开它。One, is an openwork silver bead that can only be accessed through the holes in the metal gridwork.

中间使用圆形糕点刀切出一个镂空的效果,备用。Cut out the inside of the circles using a round pastry cutter to create an openwork effect and set aside.

这种带有季节色彩有网状小孔的桌巾式的设计完美的呈现出糖果和饼干。The openwork doily design in colors of the season is the perfect way to present candies, cookies and more!

多彩被用来制造首饰用了很多不同的主题使用镂空图案和几个相互关联的项目。Polychrome was used to produce jewelry with a lot of different themes using openwork motifs and several linked items.

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莆田黄杨木雕和龙眼木雕则以精致的透雕见长,风格占朴典雅,刻画细腻,层次分明。Putian boxwood carving and wood carving delicate openwork longan to Kyo, elegant style for park, depicts is exquisite, hierarchy.

蒂凡尼的不规则的上,下边界灯的特点是镂空冠的边缘,其目的是要描绘出树枝,灌木或树。Tiffany's Irregular Upper and Lower Border lamps are distinguished by the openwork crown edge, which is meant to represent a branch, shrubbery or tree.

陶器组合反映出的文化特征与同为河流域典型的上宅文化明显不同,而与河南后岗一期文化相近似。Shangzhai culture is a mid-Neolithic culture in Zhu River valley, but the painted and string pattern potteries are not existed, and the bird-head pottery in openwork is characteristic.