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我数学没及格。I flunked math.

数学和科学。Math and Science.

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数学51号课程,Math 51 right now,

安数学学得好吗?Is Ann good at math?

这是简单的数学题。This is simple math.

刘畅喜欢数学。Liu Chang likes math.

简选数学作为副修专业。Jane has a math minor.

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我罟数学学起来很费劲。I have trouble in math.

另外我的丈夫是一个数学奇才。My hubby is a math wiz.

她英语学得比数学好。She did in English math.

你以高分通过数学测验。You aced your math test!

不过你至少要算一算帐。But at least do the math.

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我学数学有问题。I have trouble with math.

你们的数学老师是谁?赵先生。Who's your math teacher ?

你知道我有多么厌恶数学。You know how I hate math.

安对数学很感兴趣。Ann is interested in math.

我不喜欢数学和体育。I don't like math or P. E.

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目前算得都对吧Is my math correct so far?

内置的日期数学函数。Built-in Date Math Function.

你通过数学考试了吗?Can you pass the math exam ?