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主持赣榆县全面工作。Preside the overall work of Ganyu County.

他是校际选举大会的主席。He will preside at the election of school officers.

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在主持方面,大臣、牧师和法官都可以担当婚礼主持。Ministers, priests and judges can preside over weddings.

紫莫并未答话,她靠在软椅中。Purple Mo doesn't response, she rely in the soft preside.

当发生经济危机时谁正好在掌权?Who happened to preside over the economic crisis at the time?

他要求女城主行政官主持他的案子。He asked that the Baroness-Administrator preside over his case.

5月初,我去克利夫兰市主持民主党领袖委员会代表大会。In early May, I went to Cleveland to preside over the DLC convention.

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夏梦泽拥着伊雪做到石椅上用餐。The summer dream Ze hugs Yi snow to attain a stone preside last dining.

目前不能确定穆沙拉夫将来是否还会主持这样的庆典仪式。It is uncertain whether this president will ever again preside over such a ceremony.

一对大型石狮巍然耸立在颐和园的入口处。A pair of large stone lions preside massively over the approach to the Summer Palace.

苹果CEO蒂姆库克将会接替退休的前公司创建者和领导者斯蒂夫乔布斯来主持这次发布会。CEO Tim Cook will preside for retired company co-founder and long-time leader Steve Jobs.

王后,Martin,比尔.盖茨和其他一些知名人士主持了这项活动。The queen, Martin, Bill Gates and several other well-to-dos preside over the glittery event.

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在主持方面,大臣、牧师和法官都可以担当婚礼主持。out-of-state licenses are not valid. Ministers, priests and judges can preside over weddings.

盖纳特先生很可能组织一次类似的解救,即便对象是通用汽车和福特。Mr Geithner is likely to preside over a similar rescue, albeit also of General Motors and Ford.

根据这项权力分享协议,穆加贝将继续担任国家元首的职务,并且主持内阁会议。Under the accord, Mr. Mugabe is to continue as head-of-state and preside over cabinet meetings.

第二日,拱顶上的水,它们代表天使般的人,他说的是天使。Day two,the waters that preside over the vault, they represent angelic peoples,he says the angels.

根据这项权力分享协议,穆加贝将继续担任国家元首的职务,并且主持内阁会议。Under the accord, Mr. Mugabe is to continue as head-of-state and preside over cabinet meetings. Mr.

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1787年,他被请出山主持在费城举行的宪法大会。But he was called out of retirement to preside at the Constitutional Convention in 1787 at Philadelphia.

这家跨国公司的董事们甘心袖手旁观地让他们的被清理掉。The directors of this transitional company were content to preside inertly over the liquidation of their.

这家跨国公司的董事们不甘心袖手旁观地让他们的被清理掉。The directors of this transitional company were not content to preside inertly over the liquidation of their.