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这是有争论的。That's disputed.

这里有争论This is disputed.

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萨尔萨舞的起源是有争议的。The origins of salsa are disputed.

他们就这样长时间争执不下。Thus for a long time they disputed.

这种喇叭的历史由来富有争议。The history of the horn is disputed.

我与她争论了此问题。I disputed with her about the problem.

拉蒂默先生书中的叙述颇具争议。Mr Latimer's account is furiously disputed.

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我们已经针对这个议题吵过好多次了。We have disputed about this issue many times.

委员会对这个问题进行了激烈辩论。The issue was hotly disputed in the committee.

我们为各种问题互相争论。We disputed with each other on various issues.

律师在法官面前辩论这案件The lawyers disputed the case before the judge.

尽管这点还存在争议。It's been disputed and one doesn't know for sure.

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中国需要美国技术的断言是有争议的。Claims that China needs US technology are disputed.

这些死亡的情形备受争议。The circumstances of the deaths have been disputed.

所以,其中有些是有争议的文物。So, some of it, kind of, you know, disputed property.

松鼠和野鼠在为我储藏的那些坚果争执不休。Squirrels and wild mice disputed for my store of nuts.

周朴园一直是曹禺笔下一个颇有争议的人物。Zhou Puyuan is always a disputed character in Cao Yu's play.

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他的儿子们巴耶济德与杰姆为了继承问题闹的不可开交。His succession was disputed between his sons Bayezid and Cem.

但,直到最近,这些证据仍备受争论。But even until very recently, the evidence was still disputed.

中国与日本就一些有争议的岛屿也未达成协议。Nor has it reached agreement with Japan over disputed islands.