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但他们的请求被驳回,因为胃口太大且不妥。But their pleas were dismissed as overwrought and inappropriate.

他劳累过度,也许把女巫的伎俩误认为治疗术了。He was overwrought and may have mistaken witchcraft for healing.

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无可否认地,接近月18号的时候,学习的东西将会使觉得绪的过度紧张。Admittedly, what you learn near June 18 will make you feel emotionally overwrought.

我不愿对局势如此悲观,这让我感到恐慌和过度紧张。I hate to get this pessimistic about the situation. It feels panicky and overwrought.

然而,其中最明显的,就是媒体总是对每一件小事都精神紧张。The most obvious pattern, however, is the media's tendency to get overwrought about almost anything.

文祥摇了摇头,觉得这种雕镂缋饰是华贵有馀而韵味不足。Wen Xiang shook his head, feeling ornate carving of this kind was too overwrought and lacking in taste.

他说,很多员工劳累过度了就吃垃圾食物、大量喝酒,或是在电视前昏昏沉沉。Many overwrought workers eat junk food, drink excessive alcohol or zone out in front of the TV, he says.

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虽然我妈妈认为开幕式过于考究了,她仍然对演出所表达的新中国印象深刻。Though my mom thought the production was overwrought , she was impressed by what it said about the new China.

这名赛尔维亚球员甚至情绪激动到弯下身吃了一些球场的草。The Serbian player was so overwrought with emotion that he even bent down to eat some of the grass on the court.

有人说圣骑士是任劳任怨的狂热信徒,但是其大多数人还是将他们视为光明力量的代言人。There are those who call the Paladin an overwrought zealot, but others recognize in him the strength and goodness of the Light.

在理清什么方式对你最有用的同时,给自己一个喘息的机会,体恤一下你过分劳累的神经。While you are sorting out what approach works best for you, give yourself a break and have compassion for your overwrought thoughts.

这样一种较为小型、简化而有秩序的取向,被认为是对于过度激动而疲乏的感性主义的回应。Smaller, more spare, more orderly was conceived of as the response to the overwrought emotionalism which many felt had herded people into the trenches.

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中国电视的问题在于将国家凝聚力与对体育赛事过度热情的、充满爱国主义的报道联系在一起。But what's on television in China right now shows what happens when you combine tight state control with typically overwrought , patriotic sports coverage.

在那家餐馆,劳累过度的商人可以享受到像面包和奶油布丁之类的老式饮食,服务员全是发育良好的穿校服的女孩。There tired and overwrought businessmen can enjoy such old fashioned fare as bread and butter pudding, all served by well-developed girls wearing school uniforms.

这种可能性让伦敦、法兰克福和巴黎的市场急剧下挫,即使分析师们力图解释恐慌的传染是有限的,有些过虑了。That possibility sent markets in London, Frankfurt and Paris spiraling downward, even as analysts struggled to explain which fears of contagion were legitimate and which were overwrought.

既然事情已经冷静下来,你也能从更理性的一面评估所说过的话,你将认识到他人从杂乱无章中发现了关键的事实。Now that things are calmer and you're able to assess what was said from a more rational perspective, you're recognising that in their rather overwrought ramblings, others revealed pivotal facts.