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这些都是当玩笑话说的。All this was said in a bantering tone.

杰克喜欢和他的朋友们说笑逗趣。Jack enjoys bantering with his friends.

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老师喜欢说笑话逗他的学生们。The teacher enjoys bantering with his pupils.

此类车辆还可以作为出诊车辆、运送血浆、运送疫苗等用途。It also can be used for visiting patient, sending plasma and bantering.

虽然偶尔开玩笑,保镖们还是很认真地执行着他们的任务。But jokes and light bantering aside, the guards still took their jobs seriously.

如果她给你了一个令人不爽的回答,立刻以一种嘲弄的方式处理这个回答。If a woman gives you a boring answer, IMMEDIATELY address this answer and do a little bantering.

此类车辆还可以作为简单手术车辆、专科医疗车、残疾人转运等用途。It can also be used for visiting patient, transporting plasma, bantering and handicapped and injured.

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此类车辆还可以作为出诊车辆、运送血浆、运送疫苗、残疾人转运等用途。It can also used for visiting patient, transporting plasma, and bantering and handicapped and injured.

整个比赛过程中,安迪表现得很幽默,他和孟非尔斯互相嘲弄,并且非常享受比赛。Throughout Andy was in good humour bantering with the Monfils camp and generally appeared to be enjoying himself.

王和甫仍是笑嘻嘻地说。他的老是带几分开玩笑似的笑嘻嘻,和孙吉人的沉默寡言是很相反的。Wang Ho-fu spoke with his usual bantering smile, which contrasted strongly with Sun Chi-jen's reticence and taciturnity.

那晚,力宏演出完美,一展他的舞姿、风趣和音乐才能。That night, Leehom delivered a polished performance, executing his dancing, bantering and musicianship with perfunctory precision.

魏晋南北朝时期,产生了篇幅短小、寓讥于谐的谐谑小说。During the Wei-Jin and the Southern and Northern Dynasties, the bantering novel with humourous and ironical language came into being.

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艺术家虹舒的作品以玩世的情态,简约的笔意调侃逝去那段花样年华,以其独特的视角,描绘了那段早已封存的记忆。Hong Shu's works keep bantering those old beautiful days with her cynical attitude and brief style, showing us the covered memory with a unique perspective.

日本的校园欺凌问题一直很严重,包括羞辱、殴打、轻视、排斥和动粗等伤害行为。Bullying at schools, ranging from bantering and bashing, ignoring and shutting out from student groups to beating and kicking has long been a problem in Japan.

一盘是在我们家台球桌旁各种各样的玩笑戏谑,带子的结尾是罗杰为我吹了一段萨克斯,我们家那只狼狗,金,则在一旁嗥叫。The first tape contains a lot of good-natured bantering around our pool table, ending with Roger playing the saxophone for me while our German shepherd, King, howled.

所以,尽管她的声音成功的坚持了下来,但是缺少活力意味着这场表演不断被打断,通过与观众开玩笑来歇口气。So while her voice managed to hold out, her lack of stamina meant that the show was constantly interrupted for her to catch her breath with water breaks and bantering with the audience.

酣畅从书包里掏出两个汉堡包算作对高一鸣上次不敬的补偿,高一鸣被酣畅的单纯逗乐,两个人很快便像是相识很久的朋友,无话不谈。Blow out from the bag of GaoYiMing last count two hamburgers, bantering GaoYiMing was pleased compensation amusing, two simple soon like met friends for a long time, no words don't talk.

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他爱来到我们的再康复而喜欢同人玩笑和捉弄人,但是也给予我们一些智慧和极好的忠告,所以是一次通灵,我们将希望抄录。He loves to come to our retreats and enjoys bantering about and joking with people but also gives us some wisdom and excellent advice, so that is a channeling we will want to transcribe.