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绝热可逆路径。Adiabatic reversible path.

这是一个绝热过程。This is an adiabatic process.

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首先是“绝热“Adiabatic means dq equals zero.

我们再来研究绝热过程。We could do an adiabatic process.

条件不同。dq is zero. The that is adiabatic.

因为系统绝热,所以q是零。So q is zero adiabatic. Work is zero.

我们把这个标为。I Let's label this one. It is adiabatic.

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这与等容的。Adiabatic expansion means you can't use this.

然后一个绝热膨胀过程。Then we're going to have an adiabatic expansion.

那么我们有了这条可逆绝热路径。So we've got our reversible adiabatic path right.

通过绝热膨胀到,第3点。Here comes an adiabatic expansion, to point three.

所以它是绝热的。It's set up to be well-insulated so it's adiabatic.

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这应该是个很简单的问题,桨轮处在一个与外界隔离额绝热环境中。And this is in an isolated, in an adiabatic container.

假设我们在研究绝热过程。Be careful. Suppose we are doing an adiabatic process.

换一个,绝热过程。We're going to close the cycle with another adiabatic step.

我们知道在绝热膨胀过程中,系统温度会降低。We know in an adiabatic expansion the system's going to cool.

然后,我们研究无粘滞的绝热吸积流。Second, we study the stability in the inviscid adiabatic limit.

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说明,等于。dq It's an ideal gas in adiabatic expansion 0 dq is equal to zero.

绝热意味着系统,与化境没有热交换。Adiabatic means there's no heat transferred in or out of the system.

现在约束改成了,绝热膨胀,或者压缩。Our constraint is going to be an adiabatic expansion or compression.