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书籍形态设计是由书籍装帧设计演变而来的。Book modality from the book binding design evolved.

不同学者对于情态的分类也不同。Different scholars have made different classifications of modality.

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新的融合体包括光子各层。The new modality of fusion body includes layers of photon particles.

这种方式似乎是一种有效且又不具侵略性的影像诊断工具。This method seems to be an effective and non-invasive imaging modality.

出于这个原因,这种方式中起着至关重要的作用产科成像。For this reason, this modality plays a vital role in obstetrical imaging.

句式的决心义与“他”预指时的情态义相互匹配。The determined meaning of the structure matches the modality meaning of ta.

胸腔内视镜是一个安全且较不侵犯的治疗方式。Video-assisted thoracoscopy is a safer and less invasive modality of therapy.

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公司是一种最典型、最重要、最有活力的企业组织形式。The corporation is the most typical , important and active enterprise modality.

当前作文教学摆脱不了形式主义教学的藩篱。Currently, composition teaching can't get rid of the hedge of modality teaching.

有一种新形态的时空,其出现的特征有别于物理的时空吗?Has a new modality of space and time arisen, different from physical space-time?

采用单作业和双作业操作,探讨了不同信息输入通道对双作业操作绩效的影响。This is a study on the effects of different input modality on dual-task performance.

以化疗为主的综合治疗仍为SCLC治疗的基本模式。Chemotherapy is still the main therapy method to SCLC in combined modality treatment.

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结论MRI对口腔颌面部病变的诊断具有重要价值。Conclusion MRI is an effective modality in diagnosing of oral maxillo- facial lesions.

试从吴冠中绘画艺术表现形式方面,来解读吴冠中绘画艺术的独特风格。The third part tries to understand Wu's unique art-style from the modality of Wu's art.

它主张创新,追求形式感,强调个性,重视工艺美术。It advocated innovation, pursuing modality , emphasizing individuality and industrial arts.

围鼓历史悠久,是人民喜闻乐见的一种民间文艺形式,已成为人民生活不可或缺的重要组成部分。The Wei Drum is a folk performance modality with long history, and appeals to the populace.

结论螺旋CT对粘液性卵巢肿瘤的诊断有较大价值。Conclusion Spiral CT is valuable imaging modality in the diagnosis of mucous ovarian tumors.

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情态是许多逻辑学家、哲学家和语言学家长期以来一直感兴趣的研究问题之一。Modality has long been a major focus of interest for logicians , philosophers and linguists.

但其中以韩礼德为代表的系统功能语法中的情态理论的阐述较为详尽。Halliday's Systemic-Functional Grammar presents a more detailed statement on modality theory.

然后该小组将再花两年的时间来评估每种治疗的成功率。The panel will then take another two years to evaluate the rates of success of each modality.