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这是一条长长的轨迹。So this is a long trajectory.

也许刘易斯也是类似的情形?Might Lewis be on a similar trajectory?

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历史轨迹与路经依赖。Historical trajectory and path dependency.

方向就是轨道的切线方向。The direction is tangent to the trajectory.

这个物体的运动轨迹是不同的。The trajectory of this object is different.

其轨迹主要是由东向西!The trajectory is primarily from east to west!

并且跟随太阳轨迹双轴工作。Dual-axis trackers follow the sun's trajectory.

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一种变得很支持家庭。One trajectory becomes very much pro-household.

所以,这是一条大的智慧轨道中的一部分。So, this is part of a larger intellectual trajectory.

在他正跨入的轨迹中他没有任何代理。He has no agency in this trajectory he's entering upon.

摆线就是这个运动点的轨迹。And so, the cycloid is the trajectory of this moving point.

最后给出实验结果。Finallly, simulation results show good standard trajectory.

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重点介绍了其井眼轨迹控制技术。The well trajectory control technique is focally discussed.

还有一个有用的概念就是轨道的单位矢量。Now, another useful notion is the unit vector to the trajectory.

这种算法对于PTP运动和沿CP运动都是适用的。This algorithm is appropriate to PTP trajectory and CP trajectory.

他们将按照自己的轨迹前进,但不会变得更加西方化。They would follow their own trajectory and not become more Western.

空气中旋转的炮弹会进行弹道计算。The trajectory of the shell is computed as it whirls through the air.

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为了到达这个尼姑庵,我们需要往回走。In order to get to the nunnery we need to leave the backhoe trajectory.

到现在为止,拉姆赛的职业生涯轨迹很像沃尔科特。So far Ramsey's career has followed a similar trajectory Theo Walcott's.

核弹轮现在火灾与一个标准的榴弹炮射击轨迹。The nuke round now fires with the trajectory of a standard howitzer shot.