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因为每个人看待世界上有无幽灵的观念各不相同!Because everybody has on look upon world, do not have ghostliness idea each are not identical!

一旦脱离了肉体这一外壳,灵魂只能成为幽灵、成为鬼魂。Once broke away from a body this one crust, the soul can be become only ghostliness , become spirit.

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他们接受的幽灵协议任务便是从克林姆林宫盗取核军事密码。The ghostliness agreement job that they accept is password of military affairs of nucleus of purloin of Lin Gong of Cong Kelin Mu.

商家的介绍让人看了毛骨悚然,“夜晚外出或寻找鬼魂的时候小心真的撞到幽灵或者鬼魂哦!The businessman's introduction let a person look creepy, "When night goes out or searching soul, caution bumps really ghostliness or soul oh!"

随时随地探测你身边的磁场灵气,幽灵探测器会用颜色灯来告诉你答案,小心!Explore the magnetic field spirit beside you to enrage at any time and place, ghostliness detector can tell you the answer with color lamp, be careful!

还有一些病人术后像幽灵一样四处游荡,要用药物才能控制这种副作用。After still having method of a few patients, resemble ghostliness and same loaf about everywhere, want to dominate this kind of secondary action with medicaments ability.

一位女士曾拍卖包含已故父亲的“幽灵”的拐杖,因为她儿子害怕姥爷的“幽灵”不敢在屋内到处走动。A lady ever auctioned the crutch of the " ghostliness " that includes late father, because her son fears, the " ghostliness " of Lao father dare not be inside house sashay.

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其实陆小凤千方百计潜入幽灵山庄就是受了韩文所托,要救韩铃回家。Actually Liu Xiaofeng leave no stone unturned slipped into ghostliness mountain villa to suffer Han article place to hold in the palm namely, want to save Han Ling to come home.

一个如幽灵般诡异的身影,时刻潜伏在武天祥身边,像是索命游魂,用一双眼睛死死盯着武天祥。One is like ghostliness kind of weird form, hour conceal is beside Wu Tianxiang, resembling is You Hun of all alone life, staring at Wu Tianxiang to death to death with a pair of eyes.

脸上贴着三个洞的面膜巾,感觉自己像个幽灵,在这凌晨醒来,上网,再泡一杯很浓的咖啡,索性失眠到底。There is the face film towel of 3 holes on the face, him feeling resembles ghostliness , awake in this before dawn, get online, again bubble a cup of very strong coffee, simply insomnia after all.