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无遮盖的人体画像,有时具有讽喻意义。The undraped human figure,sometimes allegorical.

无覆盖的人体画像,有时具有讽喻意义。The undraped human figure, sometimes allegorical.

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他完成了这个精心复杂的寓言化解读。He goes through this elaborate allegorical reading.

他们说,这只不过是一个寓言故事罢了。They claimed that this was just an allegorical story.

以自然风景为主题,有时含有讽喻意义的作品。A depiction of natural land forms, sometimes allegorical.

歇后语有外在表层结构和内在深层结构。A two-part allegorical saying consists of surface structure and deep structure.

基督徒向耶稣的连续祷告可以很轻易地被讥讽为是向太阳神祷告。The Christian litany to Jesus could easily be an allegorical litany to the sun-god.

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这一故事具有寓言性,成为种族以及国家等冲突的历史缩影。Thus the allegorical story becomes a historical epitome of inter-racial and international conflicts.

所以说我们大家应该感谢那些强盗的一针盘尼西林,然后继续前进。So I say we all just thank the bandits for their allegorical penicillin shot and continue on our way.

谐音双关歇后语是歇后语的一种,且在其中占相当大的比例。The paronomasia allegorical saying is a kind of allegorical saying that has a great proportion in it.

可能是某人以讽喻的口气,刻下此话暗示文化的死亡。It could be someone in a kind of an allegorical mood inscribing on the gravestone the death of culture.

歇后语是熟语的一种,是广泛流行的、诙谐而形象的语句。Chinese Two-Part Allegorical Saying is an idiom that is widely used, popular, jocular and vivid sentence.

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请以徐克两部电影,来说明他的个人风格以及所蕴含的寓意。Use any two films of Tsui Hark to illustrate his personal style and the allegorical messages implied in them.

在一个奇怪的寓言里,旗帜变成了雄鹰,雄鹰接着又变成了得意洋洋的雄鸡。In a curious allegorical transformation a flag becomes an eagle, and the eagle becomes chanticleer triumphant.

也许他们是从他们的观察和推断能力方面去推断、构建出对寓言世界的看法。Perhaps they extrapolated from their observations and powers of reasoning to construct an allegorical world view.

所以上帝在第三日分出了,好的人性和坏的人性,这是奥古斯汀的寓言式解读。And so God separates out,on day three, good humanity from bad humanity, by Augustine's allegorical interpretation.

作者所绘制的肖像画虽然颇受欢迎,但是他最主要的专长却是风俗画跟寓意画。Although Dubufe's portrait paintings were highly appreciated then, he specialized mostly in genre and allegorical paintings.

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本文从等效翻译的角度来探讨汉语歇后语的翻译。The paper studies how to translate Chinese allegorical sayings into English with the principles of equivalence as a guideline.

但却充满寓意,迷惑了他几乎所有的年轻的贵族资助者。Instead they evoke a series of allegorical meanings that would have mystified all but his coterie of young, aristocratic patrons.

白居易的讽谕诗是我国古代最自觉最典型的因而也是最具有代表性的讽谕诗。The allegorical poems by Bai Juyi were the most typical and therefore the most conscious ones in the ancient time of our country.