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林惇站在炉边。Linton stood on the hearth.

火在炉中噼噼啪啪地响。A fire crackled on the hearth.

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炉中的木柴烧得噼啪作响。A log fire crackled in the hearth.

希刺克厉夫走到炉边。Heathcliff advanced to the hearth.

红得就像灶膛里的余火。Red like the embers in the hearth.

他给壁炉里的火添了点柴。He stoked up the fire in the hearth.

壁炉里微弱的火光在闪烁。A pathetic fire flickered in the hearth.

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凯瑟琳跑到炉边取暖。Catherine ran to the hearth to warm herself.

林惇振作起精神,离开了炉火。Linton gathered his energies, and left the hearth.

棕色常常讲述着关于家、壁炉和地板的故事。Brown speaks of home, hearth and a certain earthiness.

由于健康我有幸看到自己溶解在春水中。By the hearth I gladly see myself melt into spring water.

就像从未灭的余烬飏出炉灰和火星。Scatter, as from an unextinguish'd hearth Ashes and sparks.

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后来又说2平炉电炉生产铸钢件。Later added 2 open hearth furnaces for producing steel castings.

我曾经真正想要的一件物品就是一个可以做烤箱的壁炉。One of the things that I really wanted was a hearth oven insert.

急速炉石你的炉石的冷却时间减少15分钟。Hasty Hearth Reduces the cooldown on your Hearthstone by 15 minutes.

然后又掉下来两条腿,并自动和脚接了起来。Then two legs dropped to the hearth and attached themselves to the feet.

炉膛采用新型耐火纤维材料,真空成型,炉丝镶嵌在炉膛内壁炉温均匀,升温快。The hearth is formed into a vacuum using new type refractory fiber material.

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利用风口焦炭取样机取得了整个高炉炉缸半径上的焦炭样品。The coke of whole hearth radius BF is got by sampling machine of tuyere coke.

详细介绍了本钢2号高炉炉缸、炉底的侵蚀情况。Erosion condition of the hearth and bottom of No. 2BF at Benxi Iron & Steel Co.

帐篷中央有火塘,遗址附近还发现了石器。It included a central hearth. Stone tools were fond in the area around this site.