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孩子们目瞪口呆地看着那魔术师。The boys looked at the conjuror in silent wonder.

孩子都一声不响惊奇地看着魔术师。The children watched the conjuror in silent wonder.

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孩子都一声不响惊奇地看著魔术师。The children watched the conjuror in silent wonder.

孩子们目瞪口呆地看着那魔术师。Eg. The boys looked at the conjuror in silent wonder.

魔术师突然将盖子揭开,现出两只活鸽子。The conjuror whipped away the cover to reveal two live pigeons.

一霎那间魔术师从杯中取出一只鸟。In the twinkling of an eye, the conjuror pulled a bird out of a cup.

于是他自己也很想有一个像小克劳斯袋子里那样的魔法师。He would have liked such a conjuror as Little Claus carried in his sack.

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魔术师一旦将其手法公开,那他便不值什么了。----柯南·道尔。You know a conjuror gets no credit when once he has explained his trick. -Doyle, Conan.

你认为我是个挥着魔杖的巫师,穿着便宜衣服的朝廷魔术师,我能给你展示一些魔术?Do you think I am some hedge-wizard, some cheap-cloth court conjuror , that I should show you tricks?

埃兰曾经是艾泽拉斯国王的宫廷魔法师和国王的顾问,艾格文引诱了这位魔法师并怀上了他的孩子。Aran was the court conjuror and advisor for Azeroth's king. Aegwynn seduced the magician and conceived a son by him.