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成功的第一步即是成为偏执狂。Monomania is a prerequisite of success.

麻省理工学院的18.02课程是这门课程的必备先修课程。MIT's 18.02 is a prerequisite for this course.

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效率必须以安全为前提。Efficiency must be security as the prerequisite.

这种结合是远程放射学的先决条件。This integration is a prerequisite of teleradiology.

这是实现合作共赢的基本前提。This is a basic prerequisite to win-win cooperation.

最常见的是,您必须安装必备软件。Most commonly, you must install prerequisite software.

对必备软件的更新版本的支持。Support for updated versions of prerequisite software.

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这是COP15能够达成协议的前提。This is the prerequisite for striking a deal at COP15.

若要从事中国文学,必须在一年级修文学与作文。The prerequisite for Chinese Lit is Freshman Lit and Comp.

大肠镜切片检查是正确诊断的必要条件。Colonoscopic biopsy is a prerequisite for correct diagnosis.

这是使用联合可信上下文的先决条件。This is a prerequisite for using federated trusted contexts.

这一破一立,前者是后者的前提条件。This break a lap, the former is a prerequisite for the latter.

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我们认为宽带是解决这些问题的先决条件。We believe that broadband is a prerequisite for these problems.

兵营是双枪老大爷的前提建筑之一。It serves as a prerequisite for Reapers to be built at the Barracks.

词的确定是“词式书写”的前提条件。Determination of words is the prerequisite of "word-by-word writing".

加快改革是城市经济进一步发展的内在要求。Expediting reform is a prerequisite for the growth of the urban economy.

管辖权是解决电子商务争议案件的先决问题。Jurisdiction is a prerequisite question of cases on electronic commerce.

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在PERT技术中运用对偶理论,为敏度分析创造了必要条件。Prerequisite for dual theory and sensitivity analysis in PERT is set up.

附件那张图片是暗黑方尖碑,是建造暗黑圣堂武士的前置建筑。That is the Dark Obelisk, a prerequisite building to build Dark Templars.

法律统一是法治社会的基本前提。The legal unity is also the basic prerequisite of the rule-of-law society.