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别人叫我嬉皮士。And I’ve been called a hippie.

他们认为我有一点嬉皮。They think I’m a bit of a hippie.

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这是什么该死的嘻皮音乐?。What the fuck is this hippie music?

他们全都穿起了嬉皮装。They were dressed up in hippie clothing.

他接着说道,你是从大学里来的长头发嬉皮士教授。You're a long-haired hippie professor from the university.

一个嬉皮女郎随着披头士的音乐旋转,迷醉在自己的世界里。A HIPPIE GIRL gyrates to the Beatles, stoned, in her own world.

我想嬉皮士们是他妈的第一个说,我不会还手的。I think it was one of those hippie fucks who first said he wouldn't fight.

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那天晚上,马克把我介绍给莫妮克,那个穿嬉皮士衣服的女孩。That night Marc introduced me to Monique, the girl who dressed in hippie gear.

我告诉他,我妈妈怎样在嬉皮时代独自带大我。I told him how Mom had brought me up on her own at the start of the Hippie Era.

1975年,一位嬉皮带领乔伊斯拜访美国加州,他的声名随之远播。A hippie fan brought him to California for a visit in 1975, and his fame spread.

嬉皮还会穿图案抽象的彩色服饰,这种衣服被称为“扎染”。A hippie would also wear colourful clothing with abstract patterns known as 'tie-dye'.

作为旅行的开始,2003年她首先参观了佛蒙特州的一处“嬉皮士建筑师”的房居社区。The journey began in 2003, with a visit to a "hippie architect" house-building camp in Vermont.

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弗朗西丝卡用挂在柜门上的手巾擦着眼睛说,“我可以找个借口解释收到一个嬉皮士摄影师的信,只要不太多。”I'll make some excuse for getting mail from a hippie photographer, as long as it's not too much.

你对媳皮士的态度是怎样的?你认为他们的行为是对现实的反抗吗?What is your opinion about hippie? do you think their behaviors are a kind of rebel to realities?

据我所知,贝托尼是种居住在海边喜拾贝壳和海藻类型的嬉皮士。Bertoni, as far as I know, is a kind of hippie who lives by the sea collecting shells and seaweed.

例如,卡希尔形容为“嬉皮”,是比较有利的西方基督教东区回教圣方济各。Francis of Assisi as a "hippie" and as more favorable to Eastern Mohammedanism than Western Christianity.

风格的灵感来自70年代,作为孩子花一点嬉皮风格与民族图案组合。The style is inspired from the 70's, a bit hippie style as flower children, combined with an ethnic motif.

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嗯,假如这曾发生在那帮越战时期的嬉皮士大学生身上的话,那么总有一天,这也绝对会见鬼地发生在您的身上。Hey, if it can happen to a bunch of Vietnam-era hippie college students, it sure as hell could happen to you.

十字生命章在1960年的嬉皮士运动中采用,作为和平与爱的标志。The ankh is an ancient symbol which was adopted by the hippie movement in the 1960s to represent peace and love.

这一点给父母们增加了新的忧虑,那些追寻嬉皮士生活的青少年们很快就流行起来吸食毒品。This was a new source of alarm for parents as young people adopted hippie ways and the abuse of drugs became epidemic.