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超越有高于现实的物上之特征。The transcendency has the characteristic of hyper-realistic.

超越是戏剧悲剧和小说悲剧的共同特质。Transcendency is the common features of dramatic tragedy and novelistic tragedy.

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这种人格既体现出一种现实性,又表现为一种超越性。This personality shows not only a kind of reality , but also a kind of transcendency.

白莲花是不适合共同生活的,因为她是如此超凡脱俗,不食人间烟火。White lotus flower is not suit to live together because of her transcendency and purity.

对于代数函数列的极限的超越性,我们给出了一个定理。We gave a theorem on the transcendency of the limit of a sequence of algebraical functions.

对那些能够感知大自然和自己内心卓越的人来说,所有的体格上的力量是毫无意义可言的。To those who perceive the nature and transcendency of this force, all physical power sinks into insignificance.

但是唐君毅的超越理境沟通着现实,是一个离开现实又对现实回归的完整过程。However, Mr. Tang's transcendency is related with realism, which is a intact course both being out of realism and back to it.

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心理健康教育发展不仅是时间上的更迭,而主要更是本质上的逾越。The development of mental health education is not only the supersession in the time, but mainly the transcendency in essence.

结语部分简要总结了九叶诗派在接受西方现代诗学影响中从超验向经验下移的普遍现象。The Epilogue draws a brief conclusion on the common phenomenon of transition to experience from transcendency in accepting influence of western modern poetics.

因此,结合具体的创作活动,在合理的理论框架内对现实主义超越性的重新审视就显得尤为迫切和重要。As a result, it is especially imminent and important to resurvey the realistic transcendency in the proper realm of theory, by combining with specific creative activities.