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斑斑驳驳,生意葱茏。To mark or mottle with spots.

留下斑斑点点的痕迹。To mark or mottle with spots.

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不饱和聚酯树脂模塑料压制件表面颜色不均匀是常见的质量难题之一。Surface mottle of BMC parts is one of common quality defects.

树木。多重颜色的鳞屑斑点在一棵枫树的树皮靠近科摩湖,意大利。Multicolored scales mottle the bark of a sycamore tree near Lake Como, Italy.

是由于油墨品质差,纸张具不均匀的吸收性所引至。Mottle are caused by poor ink or uneven absorption characteristics in the paper.

了解如何在这斑驳的水彩画水彩画免费视频。Learn how to mottle watercolor paintings in this free video on watercolor painting.

抬头看天,那一抹微蓝,幻化成思恋的容颜,搁浅在清雨斑驳的彼岸。Looking up at the sky, that touch of blue, turned into a long face, stranded in the clear rain mottle.

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从进口美国大豆中挑选具有典型斑驳症状的种子,在隔离温室内种植。The soybean seeds imported from USA and showing typical mottle symptom were selected and sowed in isolated greenhouse.

不饱和聚酯树脂模塑料压制件表面颜色不均匀是常见的质量难题之一。Surface mottle of BMC parts is one of common quality defects. This is a difficult problem because many effected factors are undefinite.

结果表明昆明地区主要流行的香石竹病毒为香石竹斑驳病毒和香石竹坏死斑点病毒。The results indicated the main prevalenting carnation viruses in Kunming region are carnation mottle virus and carnation necroflect virus.

我更喜欢的是鳌园里的石阶,它们因岁月的侵蚀呈现出班驳和沧桑,却给人留下了很多想象的空间。I like the stone steps in Ao Park. As a result of the years of erosion, there were mottle and vicissitudes, leaves a lot of room for imagination.

主要颜色的方法可以自动忽视它们的影响。因此,其性能优于用平均值的常规方法。Major method can automatically neglect the influence of those mottle seeds, therefore, its performance excelled common method with average value.

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印刷墨斑是影响印刷质量的因素中最具损害性的一个,要得到高品质的印刷品首先要解决墨斑问题。Print mottle is one of the most detrimental factors to general print quality, and to get high quality print, the most important is to resolve print mottle problem.

洁净纯粹的琉璃染上了鲜红的色彩,惊醒着某种遥远而模糊的意识,刺激着一些飘远的风景在脑海里又蠢蠢欲动,继续无端,支离斑驳。Clean and pure glass with bright red color, with some distant and vague awareness, stimulate some far scenery in the mind and ready to continue, unprovoked, fragmented mottle.

碲增加冷硬铸铁白口层厚度和硬度,缩小麻口区,但降低灰口部分的机械性能。Te also raises the thickness and hardness of the chilled layer of white cast iron, reduces the area with mottle and lowers mechanical properties of the part of gray cast iron.

有效美白滋润肌肤,令肌肤美白红润而富有光泽、增强弹性。本品适合中性皮肤、皮肤偏黄、黑、有色素色斑者使用。Designed to whiten and moisten skin, and make it look fair, ruddy, glossy and bouncy, this product is for people identified with neutral skin, yellowish complexion, and mottle.

还介绍了改善“云雾”状态的若干措施,而以添加含弪基的物质更为有效。Also, several methods to eliminate or improve the mottle initiation are presented, however, the most effective one is to have the epoxy resin been mixed with some hydroxy substance.

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介绍了一种典型的印刷墨斑计算模型,并对其进行深入分析,以便将其应用到印刷质量测试软件中,帮助解决墨斑问题。A typical print mottle evaluation model was introduced and . analyzed. It was put forward that it can be applied in the print quality evaluation software helping to solve print mottle problem.