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但这种说法暗示出了一个其实并不存在的“被动性”。But this implies a passivity that does not exist.

被动的代价哀叹着毫无进展。The price of passivity bemoans the silence of progress.

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这么一来惯性的被动状态就能说得通了。So apparently the passivity the inertia can be explained.

基于无源性理论的异步电机的转速控制。Speed control of induction motor based on passivity theory p.

被动是一种发展的阻碍,因为无作为轻视进展。Passivity is an impediment to growth for inaction scorns progress.

Romero的团队把这第二个指标形容为对关注者"被动性"的考察。The team describes this second measure as a follower's "passivity".

义博会借助迪拜展的机会吆喝宣传自己,就是义乌从“坐商”到“行商”的一个转变。This exhibition in Dubai is a mark of Yiwu from passivity to initiative.

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有些人自认为可以对他人蛮横,而逆来顺受就会使你成为其目标。Some people get off on brutalizing others, and passivity makes you a target.

可以判断的趋势是,这种调整正在从被动转为主动。From this, we could judge, this redressal is change passivity into initiative.

被动性与自己处于平和或与别人和谐不同义。Passivity is not synonymous with peace or being at peace with yourself or others.

还有,所有加强这种破坏性被动迟钝的专家其实就是问题的一部分。And every pundit who reinforces that destructive passivity is part of the problem.

这种优势或劣势,是主动或被动的客观基矗。Such superiority or inferiority is the objective basis of initiative or passivity.

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中国新兴的精英们所采取的这种政治无作为态度在形势好时讲得通。The political passivity of China's new élite makes sense while the good times roll.

该算法定义了每个用户的消极性分值和影响力分值This algorithm assigns a relative influence score and passivity score to every user

人在与自然的关系中既具有能动性又具有受动性,是两者的辩证统一。The relationship of man and nature is dialectical unity of initiative and Passivity.

然而,与此同时它又把现代被动的耻辱标记从沉思的生活中去除。However, at the same time it removes from vita contemplative the modern stigma of passivity.

为此缘故,战争的双方,都力争主动,力避被动。For this reason both sides in war do all they can to gain the initiative and avoid passivity.

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就算“关爱”显露极其被动的结果,在故事中它的存在也是有原因的。If "Kindness" exposes the effects of extreme passivity it isalso an exploration of its genesis.

这种自我意识伴随着自我觉察和警觉的被动,能够产生深远广阔的自知。This self-awareness with its self-observation and alert passivity brings deep and wide self-knowledge.

这种对“急欲取悦别人”的否定心态将来找工作可就难了,它不可能给老板留下好印象,因为他要的是富有事业心的人。This sort of eager-to-please passivity is not likely to impress a future boss looking for a go-getter.