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哈米吉多顿只发生一次,你知道的。Armageddon only happens once, you know.

我们正在谈论金融大决战。We are talking about financial Armageddon.

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这无疑是大决战的标志!This is definitely a sign of the Armageddon.

也有人说,末日预言是完全错误的.And, some said predictions of Armageddon were off base.

美国股市在避免了一场可能的末日浩劫之后出现反弹。Stock markets rallied as a form of relief from possible Armageddon.

那三个鬼魔便叫众王聚集在一处,希伯来话叫作哈米吉多顿。And they assembled them at the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.

那叁个神就把诸王聚集到一个地方,那地方希伯来文叫“阿玛革冬。”And they got them together into the place which is named in Hebrew Armageddon.

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没有什么比即将到来的经济大决战更能吸引他们的关注了。And there's nothing like an impending economic Armageddon to marshal their focus.

那三个鬼魔便叫众王聚集在一处,希伯来话叫哈米吉多顿。And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.

玛各之战要发生在哈米吉多顿大战之前,因为这两个是不同的战役。The battle of Magog will happen before Armageddon as they are not the same battle.

那三个鬼魔便叫众王聚集在一处,希伯来话叫哈米吉多顿。Then they gathered the kings together to the place that in Hebrew is called Armageddon.

尽管后救助,救助刺激后的刺激,经济大决战似乎仍然近了。Despite bailout after bailout, stimulus after stimulus, economic Armageddon still seemed nigh.

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但这种戏法真的经得起末日审判的法律审查吗?But would such a sleight of hand really stand up to legal scrutiny in the aftermath of Armageddon?

这是一个巧合的是,新兴的战争基督教和伊斯兰教之间似乎死心塌地的决战?Is it a coincidence that the burgeoning war between Christianity and Islam seems hell-bent for Armageddon?

马主的选择是由上帝耶稣坐,因为他领导的大决战未来战场天上的军队。The Lord of Horses is chosen by God for Jesus to ride as He leads the armies of heaven in the future Battle of Armageddon.

如果大金字塔预先告知哈米吉多顿,请解释它和说说它的开始和结束的日期。If the Armageddon is foretold in the Great Pyramid, please give a description of it and the date of its beginning and ending.

我注意到在2009年12月31日我的台历似乎比往常翻过去得更快些,但是我并不认为这是一种末日的预兆。I note that my desk calendar ends much sooner, on December 31, 2009, but I do not interpret this as a prediction of Armageddon.

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过去的一周成为大决战的开始,全球各地发生了一系列的极端气象现象。This past week has been the beginning of Armageddon for many, a series of unprecedented meteorological events occurred around the world.

然而,施瓦辛格也喜欢添油加醋——他自己就做过“经济绝世天劫”的警告——在谈话中,他的话就像径直吹进眼睛的烟一样让我难受。"It's all bogus." Schwarzenegger likes spin and drama too — he's issued warnings about a "financial Armageddon" — and he literally blew smoke in my eyes while we spoke.

想要通过法律手段扭转美国的债务危机局面比以往更加艰巨,而几天之后的美国就将面临奥巴马总统所说的财政“修罗场”。With days to go before the United States faces what President Obama has called financial "Armageddon", the legislative path to averting a debt crisis appears murkier than ever.