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其他食品可以添加到您的摄入酮戊酸。Other foods can add to your intake of ALA.

鼻翼有点大能整出小巧的鼻子吗?Can nose ala rectify a cabinet nose greatly a bit?

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该项工作将在位于阿拉巴马州安尼斯顿的国家应急中心完成。Work will be performed at the CDP in Anniston, Ala.

它是完全免费的,鼻翼的GNU通用公共许可证。It's completely free, ala the GNU General Public License.

火腿本身是腌腊制品,含有大量亚硝酸盐类物质。Ala is a ham products contain high levels of nitrites material.

6月25日,一排混杂着浮油的海浪拍打在阿拉巴马州的海滩上。An oily wave breaks on the beach at Gulf Shores, Ala., on June 25.

草履虫是一款在小小的流体腔中的实时游戏。The Paramecia play in real time, ala Tron, in a tiny fluid chamber.

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库赖和阿巴斯是阿拉法特的最年长、为他效力时间最长的顾问。Abu Ala and Abu Mazen were Arafat’s oldest and longest-serving advisors.

我们可以给机器人的控制完全交给车,翼少数派报告。We could give control completely over to robotic cars, ala Minority Report.

宽大的鼻翼在大圆脸上可以让整个轮廓圆润,也是比较适合的。Wide nose ala can make whole outline fruity on big round face, also suit quite.

L1用得很好,当然如今你也可以像FIFA那样用右摇杆切换球员。L1 works great, although now you can change player with the right stick ala FIFA.

在过去几年中,这个论坛一直受到ALA年会参加者的喜爱。The panel has been a favorite of ALA conference attendees over the last few years.

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做法是,顺着鼻翼到颧骨以及唇边依次按摩即可。The practice is, arrive down nose ala zygomatic and labial edge is ordinal massage can.

安德鲁约翰是SHIFT公司的创建人。Andrew Jones is a founder of Shift, a consulting firm in Austin, Tex., and Birmingham, Ala.

我相信库赖和阿巴斯也希望如此,但也不希望与阿拉法特持不同意见。I believe Abu Ala and Abu Mazen also would have agreed but didn’t want to be at odds with Arafat.

冷榨生产石油从黑穗醋栗种子包含了大量的玻璃和助理法律顾问。Cold pressed oil produced from black currant seed contains a significant amount of GLA and of ALA.

位于金马街道凉亭片区和阿拉乡大麻苴村一带、东三环两侧,分为东西两区。Located in Jinma Sub-district and Ala Township, the Park is divided into Eastern Park and Western Park.

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对ALA转子电机的起动及负载性能进行了较为全面的实验研究。Comprehensive experiments have been performed to study the start-up and load ability of ALA rotor motor.

他们游行的牧师马丁路德金在塞尔玛,阿拉巴马州,并与他在华盛顿的演出。They marched with the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. in Selma, Ala. , and performed with him in Washington.

寄居蟹包括在红棕色油都是在多芬岛,阿拉巴马州,星期二,2010年6月1日海岸所示。Hermit crabs covered in reddish-brown oil are shown on the coast at Dauphin Island, Ala. , Tuesday, June 1, 2010.