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我使用的是无香型走珠除臭剂。I use unperfumed roll-on deodorant.

也许他应该不用除臭剂?Maybe he should go without deodorant?

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新年里,我要减少洗衣服的次数,多用除臭剂。I will do less laundry and use more deodorant.

但实际上有些人对除臭剂过敏。But some people are actually allergic to deodorant.

他的汗和体香剂混合在一起的味道闻起来真恶心。The mixture of his sweat and deodorant smells gross.

穿衣时,他往腋下擦了些防臭剂。He rubbed some deodorant under his armpits before dressing.

在穿衣之前,洒涂防臭剂并保持干燥。Spray deodorant and keep the silk garments dry before dressing.

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为了证明自己这套理论,他经常不洗澡或不用香皂。To prove his theory, he regularly didn't shower or use deodorant.

水晶除臭止汗棒是非常安全和环保的。Crystal Body Deodorant is Cruelty Free and Safe for the Environment.

相信你会认为这比架子上的除脚臭剂的量还多。You would think there would be a lot more shelves of foot deodorant.

他们是否要在出门前涂抹大量除臭剂呢?Do you just slather on some extra deodorant as you head out the door?

同时你会需要香皂、除臭剂、毛巾和其他化妆品。You’ll also need soap and deodorant and a towel and other toiletries.

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他们感觉,它和他们的现在除臭药一样好被运行。They feel it and their deodorant is now being run as good as medicine.

水晶除臭止汗棒在正常条件下至少可以使用一年时间。Crystal Stick Deodorant will last a minimum of one year with proper use.

此外,还可用做防腐剂、除臭剂及色谱分析试剂等。Also acted as antiseptics, deodorant and stratographic analysis reagent etc.

另外一种西方人喜欢化妆品是除臭剂。Another toiletry that westerners like to use is deodorant. Because we stink!

我越过除臭剂--我用可以保持超过一年的除臭晶体I pass the deodorant – I use a deodorant crystal that lasts me more than a year.

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这款产品是固定贴,它看起来和小型的除臭剂有点相似。The product is a solid stick which looks similar to a miniature size of deodorant.

通常用在制造杀菌剂、消毒剂、脱臭剂、镇定剂等。It is usually used for producing antiseptic, disinfector, deodorant and downer etc.

嗯,不知道在我身上洒上戈尔根朱勒干酪味道的香水会不会对她有吸引力呢?Hmm, not sure if using a Gorgonzola scented deodorant on my armpits would help us out.