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小说之所以不真实正在这里。Here lies the unreality of fiction.

挥之不去的黄昏更为这个城市增添了一种淡淡的超现实气氛。The lingering dusk fuels a faint air of unreality.

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媒体也在一旁对这种非现实感推波助澜。The media have also abetted the feeling of unreality.

史书似乎常带有一种不真实的味道。History books often seem to be invested with an air of unreality.

能请官僚和政治家们给我们留点不真实的美好吗?Will the bureaucrats and politicians please leave us some unreality.

月亮已经从白杨树中挣脱出来,将一座花园照得象幻境一般。The moon had freed herself above the poplars. and poured her unreality on the garden.

它涵盖之广,简直不可思议,整个非实相的世界必会由此生出。It was so vast and so completely incredible that from it a world of total unreality to emerge.

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这种不真实,对于发梦者,对于认为自己是分离的观察者来说,变得真实起来。This unreality has become real to the dreamer, to the observer who thinks of himself as separate.

政府的机会成本、风险成本、暗示成本、外在成本等属于非现实性政府成本。Government's opportunity cost, risk cost, hint cost, and external cost belong to unreality government cost.

特殊关系只不过显示出你死守“非实相”的决心,绝不轻易让自己醒过来。The special relationship is your determination to keep you hold on unreality , and to prevent yourself from waking.

传统的穷举测试,受到时间、费用和人工等条件的限制,实施起来是不现实的。But it is unreality to implement the traditional method, which is limited by the conditions including time, expense, and so on.

在它不现实的对出卖迹象的蔑视的空想里,性别的对象已超过了性并获得诱惑。In its unreality in the unreal defiance of its prostitution of signs, the sexual object moves beyond sex and attains seduction.

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会计信息失真已成为当前我国社会经济发展的一个重大痼疾,不及时治疗,后患无穷。Unreality of information on accounting has been the stubborn disease which hinders the development of the economy of our country.

她太年轻,世界太美丽,这对她来说显得很不真实,她一遍又一遍地读这封主教的信。She was so young and the world was so beautiful that there came over her a sense of unreality as she read again and again the priest's letter.

一会儿前,当你说到“永恒“的现在、”过去“及”未来“的不真实性时,我发现自己在观看窗户外边的一棵树。A moment ago, when you talked about the eternal present and the unreality of past and future, I found myself looking at that tree outside the window.

两种表达的共通性在于只追求事实之真,回避了可能的事实虚假及事实的非真实问题。The compatibility of the two expressions lie in merely pursuing the reality of fact, avoiding the possible falsity of fact and the unreality of fact.

阿切尔惶惑地看着她。束缚着自己的那种虚幻感觉难道已传染给他妻子了吗?Archer looked at her blankly. Could it be possible that the sense of unreality in which he felt himself imprisoned had communicated itself to his wife?

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常见诸报端的灾难——战争、屠杀、饥荒、革命——会使人们感到不真实感。The calamities that are constantly being reported—battles, massacres, famines, revolutions—tend to inspire in the average person a feeling of unreality.

一个人观察到了这些分别过程的谬误,这些毫无基础的虚构之事、神话、幻想的不真实,他会因此而绝望吗?Does one despair because one has observed the fallacy of these divisive processes, the unreality of these fictions, myths, fantasies which have no basis?

小我迫不及待地想在那儿建立自己的观念,不这样的话,它深恐虚无会被用来证明它的无能及虚妄不实。The ego rushes in frantically to establish its own ideas there, fearful that the void may otherwise be used to demonstrate its own impotence and unreality.