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我认为那是可以实现的。That, I think, is achievable.

“我们认为这是个可以实现的目标,”她说。“We think it’s an achievable goal,” she says.

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它告诉我们,建立无核武器世界是一个可以实现的目标。It tells us that a world free of nuclear weapons is achievable.

只有流过泪的灵魂,才能让梦想发声。Only the spirits who has cried before, can make the dreams be achievable.

的确,大家会感到这些目标近在咫尺,很容易实现——也本应如此。Indeed, those aims will seem very near, and very achievable -- as they should.

但是我们经常想完全齐美就比较难了。But often we want to have a bit of everything – that's increasingly achievable.

有意识的创造可以通过理解并掌握这四个P来达成。Intentional creativity is achievable by understanding and mastering these four Ps.

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我认为这是可以做到的,而且我们能在不损害环境的条件下实现它。andI think this is achievable and we can do this without damaging our environment.

飞秒激光具有别种激光无法获得的特殊性质。Femtosecond lasers possess unique features that are not achievable with other lasers.

设定对你来说现实的,可实现的工作目标。然后辛勤地去工作。Set realistic, achievable career goals for yourself. Work diligently with the end in mind.

我想成为一位有远见的人,这是否可达成全看中国政府。I want to be a far-sighted person. Whether this is achievable is entirely in Chinese hands.

你的目标在你所处的环境下应该是具体、可衡量和可实现的。Your goal should be specific, measurable, achievable and compatible with where you are now.

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可是,提高性及生殖健康服务的可及性,是现在就可以实现的目标。But better access to sexual and reproductive health services is an achievable goal right now.

所以,一种可能性是切尼维特的目标超出了董事会认为可以实现的程度。So one possibility is that Chenevert's goals exceeded what the board believes are achievable.

可用性是一个可实现的服务水平特征,每个公司都牢牢抓住它。Availability is an achievable service level characteristic that every enterprise grapples with.

这可能是空想,但是我和一位前语法学校的校长聊过,他认为是可行的。It may be utopian but I have spoken to an ex-grammar school head and he thinks it is achievable.

一旦你知道你要的是什么,你应该设立具体的、可达成的、明显的目标。When you know what you want, you should be able to set concrete, achievable and measurable goals.

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康德认为如果一件事完全不能达到,那做这事的感性冲动就不可能存在。Kant follows that no such urge could possibly exist for a thing that is completely non achievable.

只有采用非常含糊的提法,才有可能达成协议,而这些提法往往因其含糊而引起后来的否认或分歧。Agreement may be achievable only by formulas so vague as to invite later disavowal or disagreement.

只有采用非常含糊的提法,才有可能达成协议,而这些提法往往因其含糊而引起后来的否认或分歧。Agreement may be achievable only by formulas so vague as to invite later disavow al or disagreement.