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审判团宣布其判决。The jury delivered its verdict.

陪审团宣布它的裁定。The jury brought in its verdict.

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后代把这个案子翻了过来。The posterity reversed the verdict.

陪同审判团正在考虑裁决。The jury are considering their verdict.

陪审员的判词一如往常。The jury had returned the usual verdict.

陪审团宣布了被告无罪的裁决。The jury returned a verdict of not guilty.

也就是说,他的死亡是个不幸的事故。The verdict was death due to misadventure.

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法庭决定重新审议这项裁决。The court decided to reconsider the verdict.

两位法官对此裁决有异议。Two of the judges disagreed with the verdict.

最多就是犯罪中止呗。At most the verdict may be the halt of crimes.

我们已经意识到没有理由改变这一判决。We have seen no reason to change that verdict.

自2009年他们爽约之后相信他们的人就不多了。Not many believers left after the 2009 verdict.

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最后评审将给予每队各二分钟的判决。Judges will then each render a 2-minute verdict.

陪审团作出了对他有利的结论。The verdict of the jury was given in his favour.

我对陪审团的裁决还有一些严重的疑虑。I also had serious doubts about the jury verdict.

她怒气冲冲地说判决的不公平。She popped off about the injustice of the verdict.

西迪基的律师说,他们将对判决提出上诉。Siddiquis lawyers say they will appeal the verdict.

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召集陪审团重新审议其裁定。The jury was called upon to reconsider its verdict.

陪审团今天将退庭商议裁决结果。The jury will retire to consider its verdict today.

评定结果将于三周后公布。The verdict should be announced within three weeks.