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新出生率与去年相比有所下降。The new birthrate has decreased from last year's.

随着中国的老龄化,低出生率现象将难以逆转As China Ages, Birthrate Policy May Prove Difficult to Reverse

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人们反对这一看法来自于出生率的下降。The fall of birthrate resulted in people's objection to the idea.

发达国家的出生率的普遍降低被轻易抵消。This has easily offset the general decline in the birthrate of advanced countries.

我不认为这是日本的首要问题。日本人出生率下降才是个大问题。I don't think this is Japans primary problem. Japans falling birthrate is the problem.

意大利曾以它的庞大家族闻名天下,现在的意大利却拥有工业化世界的最低出生率。Once known for its large families, Italy now has the industrialized world's lowest birthrate.

有些人甚至相信神话是为了提振不断下降的出生率在最近几年。Some even believe the myth was created to boost the ever-decreasing birthrate in recent years.

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虽然撒生米在大多数婚礼上仍在采用,但是美国的出生率在不断下降。Although the throwing of rice continues at most weddings the birthrate is declining in the United States.

官员们担心,由于出生率低,广东省的人口正在迅速老龄化。Officials are concerned that the province's population is already aging rapidly because of a low birthrate.

移民和高死亡率是其中的一个原因,还有低出生率。Emigration and a high mortality rate among middle-aged men are part of the cause. But so is a low birthrate.

坚持计划生育的基本国策,稳定低生育水平,提高出生人口素质。We will adhere to the basic state policy of family planning, keep the birthrate low and make the newborns healthier.

认为这样会导致低出生率的观点是十分可笑的,人们就算不结婚也可以生孩子的啊。The argument that this will result in a lower birthrate is laughable, people will have kids regardless of being married.

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日本政府近日决定,为了阻止该国人口出生率不断下降的趋势,日本政府将采取积极措施帮助单身男女促成婚姻。Officials in Japan are to help single people marry in an attempt to halt the dramatic decline in the country's birthrate.

婚姻猎手们同样也吸引了政策制定者的注意,他们多年以来一直致力于提高日本的出生率。Marriage hunting has even attracted the attention of policy makers, who have been trying for years to increase Japan’s birthrate.

根据国家疾病控制和预防中心的数据,母亲年龄在35—49岁的孩子出生率达到前所未有的高潮。According to the National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the birthrate for mothers ages 35 to 49 is at an all-time high.

日本少子化比较严重,劳动力匮乏,青壮年的健康状况对于社会的发展尤为重要。Japan's declining birthrate serious labor shortage, the health status of young adults is particularly important for social development.

政府官员称,造成韩国低生育率的一部分原因是因为越来越多的女性进入职场,而且福利制度也不够完善。Officials say the nation's low birthrate is partly due to more women joining the workforce and the lack of a comprehensive welfare system.

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这一趋势可能会给日本带来严重后果,出生率持续下降及老龄化加重一直是日本政府最头疼的问题。The trend could have serious consequences for Japan, whose falling birthrate and aging population are continuing headaches for the government.

欧洲的低出生率和温和的消费主义意味着欧洲对全球GDP的贡献在30年内将缩减至目前份额的四分之一。Europe's low birthrate and its muted consumerism mean its contribution to global GDP will tumble to a quarter of its current share within 30 years.

但最近吴作栋总理透露,一系列的鼓励生育措施反应不佳。However, Prime Minister Goh Chok Tong disclosed recently that response to measures to boost the national birthrate had not reaped the expected results.