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然而,敦煌处在大漠的腹地。However, Dunhuang is located in the hinterland of the great desert.

红豆峡两头出口狭窄,腹地开阔,形似葫芦。Red bean exports two narrow gorge, the hinterland of the open, the shape of gourds.

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一般咸认港口与其腹地之间有非常密切的关系。The close relationship between a harbor and its hinterland has long been recognized.

泌阳凹陷腹部湖相白云岩油藏地质特征。Geological Features of Lacustrine Dolomite Reservoir in the Hinterland of Biyang Sag.

森林作为气候变化谈判“大后方”的时代已经终结,但它的未来尚未明朗。While the era of the hinterland is ending, the future of forest areas is not yet clear.

长岭县位于吉林省西部,松辽平原腹地。Changling County is located at the west of Jilin Province, the hinterland of Songliao Plain.

普陀区是上海发展现代服务业的腹地。Putuo District is the hinterland where Shanghai plans to develop the modern service industry.

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金红日织造厂位于珠江三角洲腹地的广州市。Jinhongri knitting manufactory locates in Guangzhou, the delta hinterland along the pearl river.

2011也不像是未来这块腹地中一个更遥远的哨卡,1971年也曾经是这样。It’s not as though 2011 is a remoter outpost in the hinterland of the future than, say, 1971 was.

这里腹地坦阔,草绿如茵,林泉相映,环境幽美。Tanzanian hinterland here in width, grass green grass, Linquan matched, the environment beautiful.

扎布耶盐湖位于青藏高原腹地,是一个现代盐湖矿床。Zabuye saline lake, situated in the hinterland of Tibet plateau, is a contemparysaline lake deposit.

因此,本论文选择高原腹地措勤地区湖泊相沉积剖面展开研究。The study of climate change in the hinterland of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is one the most important parts.

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他看到了中国内地女性对于品牌化妆品的需求,以及对于如何使用它们的建议的匮乏。He spotted a demand from women in China’s hinterland for branded cosmetics—and advice on how to use them.

在我国塔里木盆地北产隆起、准噶尔盆地腹部均发育有这种成因类型的正断层。This kind of normal fault has been found in northern uplift of Tarim basin and hinterland of Junggar basin.

但是,深入细节后-比如在内地的生活情况-就会展示出一幅并不如此的图画。Yet, going into the details — like life and livelihood in the hinterland — reveals not so healthy a picture.

增强辐射力、争取较大的腹地空间更是城市竞争发展的一项重要目标。Improve radiation ability and acquire larger hinterland space is more important to the development of the city.

中国成都,四川的省会,位于成都平原的腹地,在四川中部。China Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan Province, lies in the hinterland of the Chengdu Plain, in central Sichuan.

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汤阴地处中原腹地,自古就是南北交通要冲。Locating in the hinterland of the Central Plains, Tangyin has been a joint of highways, expressways and railways.

早期的葡萄牙海员在名符其实的“骷髅海岸”翻了船,把这里的内陆称作“地狱的沙漠”。Early Portuguese mariners who wrecked on its aptly named Skeleton Coast dubbed its hinterland "the sands of hell".

塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地环境条件极其恶劣。The environmental circumstances of artificial greenbelt are extremely adverse in the hinterland of Taklimakan Desert.