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请把您的衣扣解开。Please unbutton your coat.

他开始解裤子上的纽扣。He started to unbutton his pants.

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不可解开钮扣或当众脱衣。Don't unbutton or take off your clothes.

如果你没扣你的领子,取下你的领带。If you unbutton your collar, remove your tie.

“解开我的衬衣的纽扣,脱下它”,他说。"Unbutton my blouse and take it off, " she said.

请解开衬衫,让我检查一下。Please unbutton your shirt and let me examine you.

请脱下鞋子,解开衬衣的扣子。Take your shoes off and unbutton your shirt please.

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扣,我来听一下你的心肺。Unbutton your shirt and let me listen to your lung.

解开衬衫纽扣,让我听听的肺。Unbutton your shirt and let me listen to your lungs.

您能解开上衣的扣子让我们检查一下吗?Would you like to unbutton your jacket for checking?

她松开头发并开始解衣服上的钮扣。She loosened her hair and began to unbutton her dress.

军官命令那个高个子士兵扣好军服的纽扣。The officer ordered the tall solider not to unbutton his uniform.

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从喷气机,毛衣,铅笔,尾巴,裁判,爬,解开这些单词中选择正确的以。Choose the correct pictures for Uu – jet, sweater, pencil, tail, umpire, under, up, unbutton.

不要双手交叉摆在你胸前,如有必要,就解掉你夹克或外衣的纽扣。Don't cover your heart with your hands or arms and, when possible, unbutton your jacket or coat.

汤姆,你往头上浇水的时候,不必拆掉我给你衬衫上缝的领子吧?把上衣的纽扣解开!Tom, you didn't have to undo your shirt collar where I sewed it, to pump on your head, did you? Unbutton your jacket!

我的心砰砰跳——没有情欲,而是纯粹的惧怕——她跪在床上,开始解开我红色衬衫的纽扣。My heart pounded -- not with lust, but with pure terror -- as she kneeled on the bed and started to unbutton my red shirt.

接下来我会让你站起来,双手放在你的头上,我会解开你的皮鞭和你裤子上的扣子,然后拉开你的拉链,让裤子褪到你的脚踝处。Then I will have you stand up with your hands on your head, I will unbuckle your belt, unbutton your trousers, take down the zip and let them fall to your ankles.

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这样空调很少能发挥作用,因此日本政府提起了“清凉商务”的计划,劝说上班族们解下领带、松开扣子、脱掉夹克。The air conditioning will rarely come on, so the Government has launched Cool Biz to persuade salarymen to take off their ties, unbutton their shirts and cast off their jackets instead.