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事实证实了这些措施。The circumstances warranted these measures.

紧急行眼科会诊是十分必要的。Urgent ophthalmologic consultation is warranted.

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实际上我们的程序中有保证的自信。But in fact warranted confidence in our programs.

咋一看,学生们的担心也是对的。At first glance, students' fears also seem warranted.

那里的侍者保证酒是最好的酒。The waiter there warranted the drinks were the best drinks.

保证了更深入地研究这种情况的病原学。Further investigation into the etiology of this condition is warranted.

MVC应用法度额外的错杂性则是无法包管的。The additional complexity of an MVC application simply isn't warranted.

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这只有在代码要求立即使用扩展时才得到保证。This is warranted only if your code demands immediate use of the extensions.

但是,如果人类灵长类动物将它爬行,一面漆是否有根据。But if human primates will be crawling on it, a finish coat would be warranted.

当然,气道被明显阻塞了的时候,吸痰极其必要。Of course, suctioning is always warranted when the airway is clearly obstructed.

如果需要穿厚的打底衫,买大一号会比较合适。If a heavy base layer is to be worn under it, going up a size might be warranted.

如果广泛货币与基础货币比率是常数的话,这种担心不无道理。If the ratio of broad to base money were constant, such fears would be warranted.

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改头换面之后理所应当有个新的名字,于是乎,Thilafushi垃圾岛就诞生了。The facelift warranted a name change, so Thilafushi, the garbage island was born.

许多6.111的学生每周花的时间比预批的12个单位额定时还多。Many 6.111 students spend more hours per week than warranted by the 12 unit rating.

由此可见,急性舟骨骨折的早期诊断和治疗是很重要的。Thus, early diagnosis and igilant care of an acute scaphoid fracture are warranted.

但是有时候,我们的确应该拥有一个外部的DSL,并可以与之交互。But in some cases it’s warranted to have an external DSL that can be interacted with.

严重的腹泻,非肠道补液、电解质较有保障。In severe diarrhea, parenteral administration of fluids and electrolytes is warranted.

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皮皮在希帅到来之前一直都是首发,其他人也并不缺乏机会。Pizarro was a regular until Hitzfeld came, the others never warranted any more chances.

但在有迹象显示经济复苏步履艰难之际,有人怀疑这波涨势是否合理.But there are doubts the run-up is warranted amid signs of a difficult economic recovery.

有研究表明颈动脉疾病属于非皮质的腔隙性梗塞吗?Is Investigating for Carotid Artery Disease Warranted in Non-Cortical Lacunar Infarction?