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用于痰热喘咳、热痢、热淋、痈肿疮毒等症。Useing for asthma, heat dysentery, heat stranguria, and carbuncle.

此药对消除婴儿胎毒有显著的效果。The drug is provided with obvious effect in eliminating the infantile carbuncle of the infant.

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我的计划就是进入他的房间,从后面偷袭他,用腰带将这个絮絮叨叨的小粉刺给勒死。My plan was toenter the house, sneak up on him from behind, and strangle thenattering little carbuncle with a sash.

现在他又笑得厉害。马修不由得挺恼火地问他,他自己准备拿大红宝石干什么。He now laughed so much that Matthew asked him, rather angrily, what he himself meant to do with the Great Carbuncle.

只要一想到她我就会有心痈的感觉,我很想把我的情感告诉她,可我知道那样只会让我更加心痛。As long as I thought she would want carbuncle feeling, I would like to tell her my feelings, I know that I would only more heartache.

其治疗拟以痈论治,用清热解毒、消痈生肌之法治疗本病。The treatment is intended to carbuncle of governance, with Qingre Jiedu Consumers Shengji carbuncle on the treatment of this disease.

以排瘀化痰、清热解毒为治则,治疗支气管扩张感染,收到明显的效果。State the treatment of bronchiectasis infection from lung carbuncle in ulcerative carbuncle period, which gets satisfying clinical effect.

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墨玉压服李杰克策反红玉获得中心情报,此一举更是为带妹妹分开与人民为敌的不归路。Mo is jack lee will formulate the carbuncle get center, the information but also for taking his sister at separate and people's enemy struggle.

其治疗拟以痈论治,用清热解毒、消痈生肌之法治疗本病。The treatment determination of the GU based on carbuncle which clearing away heat and removing toxin, resoluting carbuncle and promoting tissue.

并提出对唇痈患者避免患部不适当的处理、早期发现并发症和及时有效治疗的重要性及其处理原则。It is important that the unadvisable handles on lip carbuncle should be avoided , the complications should be found early , and the patients should be treated timely and effectively.

它的根可以入药,也可以叫它丹皮,入药后可以治疗高血压,除伏火,清热散瘀,去痈消肿等。Its roots can be used as medicine, or you can call it paeonol, used as medicine to treat high blood pressure after, in addition to V fire, heat stasis, swelling, etc. to the carbuncle.