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这个为负电。It is the minus.

亥姆赫兹自由能A等于内能u减去。TS A is u minus TS.

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这一项是负号。This is a minus sign.

所以我们需要14减。So, we need 14 minus 8.

我会给你一个实实在在的B减。I'd say a solid B minus.

袜子在脚上,减,减。Socks on feet, minus minus.

然后我们把三十二减去二十六。And then we take 32 minus 26.

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负负得正得到。K So minus minus K is plus K.

但是同时返回的是索引号。i-1 But with index i minus 1.

一会儿你们就知道为什么了。Because b minus 1 is now even.

她总共获得20个负号。Totally he got 20 minus signs.

即du等于TdS减去。pdV So, du is T dS minus p dV.

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把它写成H减去。TS Let's write it as H minus TS.

这很不错对不对?Multiply a by a to the b minus 1.

是21。35,加减0。That is 21.35, plus or minus .03.

结果是dG等于负SdT加上。Vdp So dG is minus S dT plus V dp.

等于。dT This is equal to Cp minus R dT.

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如果这是加号,这是减号。If this is a plus, this is a minus.

或者10^-30立方米。Or 10 to the minus 30 meters cubed.

那么这是-RT1,dV/V,对吧?So it's minus R T1 dV over V, right?