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引入电力电缆,在预定长度剥开。Induct electric power cable, shell up the destine length.

这动词的意思是「正式就任为官职或者为之举行一个正式的就职典礼」。This is a verb which means to induct into office or make a formal beginning.

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利用锂辉石在卫生瓷釉中的应用及其优点。This paper induct the major benefits of using spodumene in sanitaryware glaze.

直流电刺激具有促进细胞生长和引导细胞趋向的作用。The constant direct current-stimulation can accelerate the growth and induct tendency of cells.

第四章基于创业企业的生命周期,对风险投资后续管理的指导策略进行了研究。The fourth chapter put forwards four tactics to induct venture enterprise on the basis of its life cycle.

我们甚至建议七党指示他们在我们军队中的干部负起责任。We had even proposed the seven parties to induct their cadres in our army and take responsible positions.

引论在本文中起到的是引出问题和揭示探讨该问题之宏观理论背景的作用。Introduction is aimed to induct the questions and discover the magnificent background behind these questions.

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重庆实施西部大开发战略,关键在于能否吸纳充足的资金。Chongqing is carried out western big development strategy, the key depends on whether induct sufficient financing.

国际国内的经验证明,最能够吸纳就业的是中小企业。The experience of international home proves, what can induct obtain employment most is medium and small businesses.

本文主要探讨了新课改形势下政治课的导入技巧。This article mainly discussed the new class to change under the situation the political lesson to induct the skill.

在不添加2,4-D的培养基中,外植体的愈伤组织诱导率很低,并且需要诱导很长的时间。Without added 2,4-D in the medium, explant callus induction rate is very low, and needed a very long time to induct.

玩兴与创造力有密切的关系,在大学生创造力培养过程中,应重视玩兴的引导和培养。How to induct and foster playfulness of academician should be emphasized in cultivating creativity of college students.

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新机库可停放两架波音747-400飞机,并同时停放3架窄体飞机进行飞机大修工作。The hangar is capable to induct two Boeing 747-400 aircraft simultaneously, together with 3 other narrow body aircraft.

蒙台梭利教师要为儿童提供适宜主动学习的环境,引导儿童在活动中实现主动学习。The teacher should provide environment for initiative learning and induct children's initiative learning in activities.

我们一共有79位受训人员即将宣誓成为在中国的下一批美中友好志愿者。We have some 79 trainees that we’re about to induct and swear in as the next crop of Peace Corps volunteers here in China.

汇率作为经济泡沫的主要载体之一,汇率泡沫也是导致产生经济泡沫的一个重要因素。As the main carrier of the bubble economy, the exchange rate bubbles are the important factor to induct the bubble economy.

再次,中国政治文明必须从基层稳妥开始,为此首先要引导群众心理。Thirdly, our political civilization progress would base on the grass roots steadily and so we must induct masses' psychology.

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其次,认真分析了国外食品安全管理方面的成功经验,总结归纳出相关的启示。Then the author analysis the successful experience of food safety administration in foreign countries, induct some inspiration.

从空间约束、结构局限性、工艺局限性及材料局限性等方面展开对楼梯题目的回纳和整理。From aspect and so on material limitation, craft limitation and structure limitation to induct and reorganize the stair's questions.

结果表明,利用多级节流和高压引流补偿相结合的方法能有效抑制汽蚀、提高纯水溢流阀性能。The results showed that the method of combined cascading restrictors with high-pressure induct could effectively restrain cavitation.