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那位职员当当地打钟叫人。The clerk boned the call bell.

你朋友艾力克放你鸽子?Your friend Eric boned you, huh?

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用猪油调制去骨鸡。Lard the boned chicken with pig fat.

他考试前临时抱佛脚温习中世纪艺术。He boned up on medieval art before the exam.

紧身胸衣是一如既往钢去骨和手工。Corsetry is as always steel boned and handmade.

与前臂呈同一直线,骨骼坚实。Carpus exactly in line with the forearms. Strong boned.

她帮我强化突击了现代表现主义艺术。She helped me get boned up on my modern expressionist art.

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遗憾的是,我们必须保持这个实现的基本框架。Unfortunately, we must keep this implementation bare boned.

后半部骨量充足,肌肉发达,有合适的角度。The hindquarters are well boned and muscular with good angulation.

大西洋小鳕鱼或黑线鳕,尤指已去骨切片以备烹调的。Young atlantic cod or haddock esp. one split and boned for cooking.

新提议对于雅虎来说却是难以下咽的硬骨头。New proposals for Yahoo, it is difficult to swallow of being hard- boned.

骨骼强健而直,骹骨结实而略有弹性。Legs are strongly boned and straight, with strong, slightly sprung pasterns.

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后腿纤细,骨骼细,从后面看,两腿平行。The hind legs are slender, fine- boned , and parallel when viewed from behind.

这些通常更适合较小的骨骼妇女,因为它们更加微妙。These are often better suited for smaller boned women as they are more delicate.

他不喜欢那种瘦得皮包骨头的女孩,对我这种“大骨架”姑娘倒是一点不怵。He dislikes skinny girls and he is not bothered by the fact that I am "bigger boned".

她帮我强化突击了现代表现主义艺术。I am learning so much from her.She helped me get boned up on my modern expressionist art.

奥达猎犬的体质非常好,腿部骨骼强健,肌肉发达,但不显得粗糙。The Otterhound has good substance with strongly boned legs and broad muscles, without being coarse.

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但是我们遭遇到非接合区域有些黏结在玻璃上的问题。We rough the non-bonding region to reduce the situation that non-bonding region was boned to glass.

该城堡是中等去骨和长短腿的比例,他十分均衡的总体框架。The Pomeranian is medium boned and the length of his legs is in proportion to his well-balanced overall frame.

这是惟一一种能被用与可边形物体的法线贴图类型,例如被蒙皮和绑定骨骼的角色。This is the only type of normal mapping that you can use on deformable objects such as skinned or boned characters.