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司机把公共汽车开进了灌木丛中。The driver crashed the bus through a brushwood.

当心,草丛中还藏着一条蛇呢。Be careful, there still is a snake in brushwood.

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他喜欢去花园外面的树林里、草丛中玩儿。He enjoy the forest, brushwood outside the garden.

我只听见寂寞,在草丛里来来回回地奔跑!I only hear the lonely, in the brushwood shuttled run!

她生怕被蛇咬着,而不敢在草丛中再走一步。She scared beaten by the snake, so she dare not work though the brushwood.

采用这种机械可充分利用林区藤条灌木。Using this machine can fully utilize the rattan brushwood in forest areas.

这些年轻人的社区收集了分支机构和灌木下的橡木树。The young men of the neighborhood were collecting branches and brushwood under the oak-trees.

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客店老板绕过那堆丛莽,突然出现在他寻找的那两个人的眼前。The inn-keeper walked round the brushwood and presented himself abruptly to the eyes of those whom he was in search of.

她的眼睛既不向右望,也不向左望,惟恐看到树枝和草丛里有什么东西。But she did not turn her eyes either to right or to left, for fear of seeing things in the branches and in the brushwood.

山顶有久已废弃的墓园,各条小径灌木丛生,还有成排成排的空白墓碑。There was an old abandoned cemetery atop the hill with rows of unmarked headstones and tangles of brushwood clogging the aisles.

结果表明,影响该区森林天然更新的主要因素是海拔高度,其次是灌木层盖度和枯落物层的盖度。The results show that the main factor that affects the natural regeneration is elevation, and the coverages of litter and brushwood were next.

仆人的心志常在没有人想做的小事上显明出来。正如保罗在沉船后去拾柴生火,让众人取暖。Your servant's heart is revealed in little acts that others don't think of doing, as when Paul gathered brushwood for a fire to warm everyone after a shipwreck.

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但是那伙猎人追随着公鹿的足迹,穿过茂密得几乎无法穿过的荆棘与野玫瑰丛林找到了圣·戈德里克。Godric lets the stag in, but the hunting party follows the stag's tracks and cuts through "the well-nigh impenetrable brushwood of thorns and briars" to find St. Godric.

中国人眼中的这位卧薪尝胆的国王,就像是英国人眼中的阿尔弗雷德大帝和他的蛋糕,也是美国人眼中的华盛顿和樱桃树。The king who slept on brushwood and tasted gall is as familiar to Chinese as King Alfred and his cakes are to Britons, or George Washington and the cherry tree are to Americans.