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会堵塞毛孔吗?Will it clog my pores?

阻塞,塞满,堆满。To block, congest, or clog.

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门前芦苇小已碎草铺阻。Broken rushes clog the reed gate's way.

润滑油既不会凝结也不会发粘。The lubricating oil does not clog or gum.

猴子脚跟上绑了坠子,还能快乐地活蹦乱跳吗?Can Jackanapes be merry when his clog is at his heel?

商业大楼林立,奥迪车阻塞了道路。Office towers shoot up, and the Audis clog the roads.

最可能的脂肪和松弛放在你动脉阻塞。The fats most likely to put on flab and clog your arteries.

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在棉毛生产中,短纤维可能堵塞下水管道。In cotton and wool processing, short length fibers may clog sewers.

消除安全的文件和文件夹阻塞你的电脑的硬碟中。Safely eliminates files and folders that clog your PC's hard drive.

油泥还会阻塞油路,妨碍发动机的正常润滑工作。Sludge can also clog oil passages and prevent normal engine lubrication.

它们会堵塞水管,并且橡胶在水中是不能被生物降解的。They can clog up plumbing and latex, when in water, is not biodegradable.

空气过滤系统可以消除空气中的尘埃,以免阻塞机芯的运作。An air filter system eliminates any dust that might clog up the movements.

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他们还不停地发向居民手机上发短信,居民手机上全塞满了这些信息。Daily text messages that clog residents’ cellphones drive home that point.

你的电话也许还能使用,但是这些文本信息会堵塞网络。Your phone might still function, but all those texts can clog the network.

大火烧焦了树木,浓烟遮住了天空。Large fires can do more than scorch vegetation and clog the skies with smoke.

本品能够迅速被肌肤吸收,不含酒精,不会阻塞毛孔。This fast-absorbing formula contains no drying alcohols and won't clog pores.

采用新研制防缠技术,解决了缠草、堵塞问题。Adopting new research anti-wind technic, settled winding grass, clog etc. questions.

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你从未经历过的舒适,直到你有这个在你的脚下超细纤维堵塞。You've never experienced comfort until you've has this Microfiber clog at your feet.

每次摸脸,你都会把阻塞毛孔的灰尘和油脂弄到脸上。Every time you touch your face, you're oepositing dirt and oil, which can clog pores.

每次摸脸,你都会把阻塞毛孔的灰尘和油脂弄到脸上。Every time you touch you face, you are dispositing dirt and oil, which can clog pores.