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欧文真能说,我根本插不上嘴。Owen is a motor-mouth.

欧文将在11月11日满8周岁。Owen will turn 8 on Nov. 11.

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但是欧文不应该是替补演员。But Owen is not an understudy.


有时候欧文上就能进球。Any time Owen plays, he scores.

欧文将格里夫斯纳为下一个目标。Owen has Greaves in his sights.

斯特格斯·欧文跑回本身的帐篷。Sturges Owen ran into his tent.

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我在利物浦时遇见奥云。I met Owen when I was in Liverpool.

这一举动另欧文非常沮丧。It was a demoralising blow for Owen.

然后,印地安人把他奉上一只划子。Then the Indians put Owen in a canoe.

你如何把彼德介绍给欧文?How would you introduce Peter to Owen?

我想以一首欧文的诗作结。I want to conclude with a poem by Owen.

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欧文把球顶入空门。Owen headed the ball into an open goal.

罗伯特·欧文想要创造这样的公社。Robert Owen wanted to create this community.

“和哈格一起踢球是聪明的选择,”鲁尼说。"Playing with Owen is brilliant, " said Rooney.

格里夫斯那时27岁,同现在的欧文一样。Greaves was 27 then, the same age as Owen is now.

欧文真能说,我根本插不上嘴。Owen is a motor-mouth, i can never get a word in.

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两个印地安人把斯特格斯·欧文从帐篷里拽了出来。Two Indians dragged Sturges Owen out of the tent.

为什么科易尔在教练席中总是穿着短衣短裤?Why does Owen Coyle wear shorts in his technical area?

“所有的事都通过自我管理实现,”欧文说。"All those things help with self-management, " Owen says.