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你能付我500英镑吗?Can you send me 500 quid?

你借给我五镑钱行吗?Can you lend me five quid?

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九百万镑干什么的?。Nine million quid. For what?

你会在哪里藏三百万呢?Where would you hide three million quid?

对我几乎不怎么认识、也不太喜欢的人,我就给两英镑。For someone I barely know and don't much like, I give a couple of quid.

国内外大量研究广泛证实嚼食槟榔会对健康的带来极大的危害。It has been well documented that Areca quid chewing is harmful for health.

或者它可以优先考虑其目标,和俄罗斯谈判一系列的交换。Or it can prioritize its objectives and negotiate a series of quid pro quos with Russia.

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保罗穿着牛仔裤,带着个音乐商店手提袋,像个十足的普通人。Paul was in jeans and carrying a music store carrier bag, every inch the fifty quid everyman.

这只不过是交换条件而已,毕竟你也换得了免费获取大量珍贵信息的机会。This is, after all, the quid pro quo for your free access to a vast amount of expensive information.

他们只是把利物浦当做赚钱工具,我可无法认同这个,这让我感到遗憾。They see Liverpool as a club they can make a few quid out of. I don't agree with it, I think it's sad.

不过,与政客们为救助金融行业所要求的回报相比,这些还都是次要问题。But those are secondary issues next to the quid pro quo politicians may demand for bailing out the industry.

这一拳打得还不够准,如果这一拳正打在了他的下巴尖上的话,肯定能把他打昏过去,那样汤姆·金就可以带着三十磅钱回家同老婆孩子在一起了。That would have been a knockout, and he could have carried the thirty quid home to the missus and the kiddies.

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这显然是想要一物换一物,这在此前的中国与欧洲或美国的关系中未曾发生过。The quid pro quo was direct enough, unprecedented in China’s relations with either Europe or the United States.

我们看中了一个有小型洗衣机那么大的,我妻子把价钱砍到两英镑左右。We fixed on one about the size of a small washing machine, and my wife haggled the price down to about twenty quid.

本文研究槟榔食用者的非癌化与癌化口腔组织中MYH的表现。This study aimed to compare the expression of MYH in non-cancerous and cancerous oral tissues from betel quid chewers.

基本上这些观点仍将嚼食槟榔的行为朝向「个人化」归因,较忽略社会脉络面向对嚼食槟榔的影响。Those studies tend to view areca quid chewing as a function of individual risk behaviors and ignore its social context.

对于这个相互祝贺的俱乐部中的每一方而言这是个多么狡猾的公平的安排啊!What an insidious quid pro quo arrangement for all parties involved in this club of mutually congratulatory back-slapping!

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因此,调查该基金的运营情况,看看有没有任何不正当的权钱交易,是正确而又恰当的做法。So it was right and appropriate to investigate the foundation's operations to see if there were any improper quid pro quos.

被他叫做摩根的那个人——一个上了岁数的、灰白头发红脸膛的水手——相当顺从地走过来,一边嚼着烟草块。The man whom he called Morgan--an old, grey-haired, mahogany-faced sailor--came forward pretty sheepishly, rolling his quid.

然后,他得意地回到学校,宣称已在旧书店找到了这本书,并且“杀价到两英镑”。Then he went home in triumph claiming to have spotted the book in the second-hand bookshop and "beaten them down to two quid".