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我筹算去攀登阿拉斯加州的德纳里山。I'm planning to climb Mount Denali in Blaska.

我打算去攀登阿拉斯加州的德纳里山。I’m planning to climb Mount Denali in Alaska.

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我想我会去北方——去加入德纳里峰的那个巫会。I think I will head north —to that clan in Denali.

两条彩虹并行投映到阿拉斯加德纳里国家公园的峡谷里。A double rainbow plunges into a gorge in Alaska Denali National Park.

两条彩虹并行投映到阿拉斯加德纳里国家公园的峡谷里。A double rainbow plunges into a gorge in Alaska's Denali National Park.

征服多座高峰后,阿特金森对北美洲迪纳利山印象深刻。After the conquest of many peaks, Mount Denali in North America Atkinson impressed.

2010年7月12日,时年15岁的阿特金森登顶北美洲最高峰迪纳利山。July 12, 2010, when he was 15 years old Atkinson climb Mount Denali in North America peak.

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他说,迪纳利山是目前为止感觉攀登过程最艰难的山,全程比较紧张。He said the feeling of Denali Mountain is by far the most difficult climb mountains, the whole is quite high.

但是,利哈伊大学的朱丽叶·鲁伊赛和一支研究小组在阿拉斯加的德纳里峰山麓中发现了成片的泥潭沼泽地。But in the foothills of Mt. Denali in Alaska, Julie Loisel of Lehigh University and a team of researchers have found peatlands thriving.

要想体验这座6194米的阿拉斯加高峰你必须是个登山家,但你可以在略微暖和一点的德纳里国家公园欣赏一下它。To experience the 6, 194m Alaskan peak you must be a mountaineer, but you can ponder it from slightly warmer locales with a visit to the Denali National Park.

通用汽车公司已决定扩大其混合动力的一个成员,它的全尺寸SUV和皮卡范围,豪华拉丹的GMC育空峰混合。General Motors has decided to expand its hybrid powertrain across one more member of its full- size SUV and pickup range, the luxury -laden GMC Yukon Denali Hybrid.

将成为向公众公布本星期晚些时候在纽约国际汽车展,育空峰杂交定位为旗舰车型中的GMC系列。Set to be unveiled to the public later this week at the New York International Auto Show, the Yukon Denali Hybrid is positioned as the flagship model in the GMC lineup.

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潘还是让赫斯基的脸背对着我们,拍摄他的背影,然后镜头落在德纳里峰山脉的广阔的远景上,而在这位冒险者的眼睛里,隐隐出现了北方的这些山峰。Still, Penn keeps Hirsch's face from us, filming him from the back, then alighting on a wide vista of the Denali range as the northern peaks might loom in an adventurer's eye.