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不要忘记留意环境。Don’t forget about ambiance.

我敢保证气氛一定会很棒。I'm sure the ambiance will be great.

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工作时创造良好的氛围。Create the right ambiance when you do the work.

它可以强烈地熏染室内的气氛和色调。It enhances the ambiance and color of an interior.

另外,Radiance主题被修改的更像Ambiance主题了。Also, Radiance has been modified to look more like Ambiance.

我想在北京也有同样的服务质量和购物环境。I want the same level of service and shopping ambiance in Beijing.

小暹罗是第一个酒店在荷兰与一个真正的泰国风情。Little Siam is the first hotel in Holland with a real Thai ambiance.

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混响能为音轨营造很美妙的空间感。Reverbs can provide a nice ambiance to a track that otherwise lacks it.

我们去的每一个地方都有她自己独特的景色、个性以及周围环境。Each place we visit has its own particular look, character, and ambiance.

或者你也可以在主图书馆的玫瑰园里尽情放松享受。Or just relax and enjoy the ambiance in The Rose Room at the Main Branch.

这样的灯光能是你房间的气氛浪漫和有诱惑性。Such lighting can make the ambiance in your room romantic and more intimate.

我认为这传达了一种完全不同的讨论氛围。I think this conveys a completely different ambiance and context for discussions.

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把自己打扮起来和没有花费一分钱而享受餐馆的环境让我觉得很有趣。It's fun to get dressed up and enjoy the restaurant's ambiance and not spend a fortune.

我现在感觉很好,我的队友们帮助我去适应新的环境。I felt good imediately, all my teammates have helped me to get used to the new ambiance.

你一定会爱花一两天,为地方提供美妙的氛围。You would surely love to spend a couple of days, as the place offers wonderful ambiance.

机场设了一个思考屋儿,目的是为所有乘客营造一个“宁静的氛围”。The airport maintains a meditation room meant to create a "calm ambiance" for all passengers.

让全校师生在数位化校园的氛围中,熟悉与建立数位学习的观念。Let whole school teachers and students among e-campus ambiance , familiar with and set up the.

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由于友好、温和以及在非正式的普通区域,他提供了兼容并包的环境和良好的电气氛围。It offers an eclectic and electric ambiance thanks to its friendly, warm and casual common areas.

蜗牛是氛围,与锅炉酒吧,来一部分换租用旅游夜总会。The snail is part of the ambiance that comes with The Boiler Bar, a for-hire traveling nightclub.

我不知道,或许我并没有期望它能达到4星或5星级酒店水准,但它洋溢着那种氛围。I don't know, maybe I didn't expect it to be a 4-5 star hotel, but it exudes that kind of ambiance.