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当然,这也是情有可原的。Of course there were extenuating circumstances.

他是偷了钱,但有可以减轻罪责的情况。He stole the money, but there are extenuating circumstances.

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但这次的情况很特殊,仅仅做这次应该是可以的吧。But in this particular extenuating circumstance, just this once, it’s OK.

"他的确挪用了公款,但有可以减轻罪责的情况。"。He did misappropriate the public funds, but there were extenuating circumstances.

确挪用了公款,但有可以减轻罪责的情况。He did misappropriate the public funds, but there were extenuating circumstances.

然后,简短的解释你之所以会这样做的原因。Then, briefly explain the extenuating circumstances as to why you did what you did.

未详尽之情况,则提交课程委员会协调解决。In case of extenuating circumstances, the curriculum committee can meet and resolve such issues.

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法官知道可使罪行减轻的情况,你肯定会得到公正的判决。The judge is. aware of the extenuating circumstances and you'll definitely be given a fair hearing.

在他的伟大仁慈,陪审团裁决的情有可原的情况下受到谴责的情况如下。In his great mercy, the jury awards of extenuating circumstances condemned the conditions listed below.

当你第一次申请延期的,你没有提出任何可以接受的从轻处罚情节任何。When you first applied for an extension you presented no acceptable extenuating circumstances whatsoever.

虽然你当时的处境使得你做的一切情有可原,但对不起,我仍然无法原谅你。Even though you really were in an extenuating circumstance, I'm sorry, I still can't offer you forgiveness.

如果生病影响了你的测评,你应同时填写一份例外情况声明表。Where your illness may affect assessed work you should also complete an Extenuating Circumstances claim form.

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最后,我们可以记住行为人的罪过可能因为可恕的环境而通常被减轻。Finally, we may note that the guilt of an offender is usually held to decrease with extenuating circumstances.

他说我应该可以提前下班,我的老板会理解的,因为毕竟情有可原。He tells me I should take off early, that my boss will understand because this is an extenuating circumstance.

陪审员们出去了,我被带进我原来在里面等候的那间小屋子里。Extenuating circumstances. " The jury went out, and I was taken to the little room where I had already waited."

鉴于他能认罪及本案适用简易程序审理,遂依法酌情从轻处罚。In view of the case and he will plead guilty to summary trial, as appropriate, extenuating accordance with the law.

因此为了保障威慑效果,在可恕环境下的犯罪应当受到更严厉的处罚。Thus to secure effective deterrence, crimes committed in extenuating circumstances should be punished more severely.

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当然如果家长能给出作业没有按时完成的原因的话也会给与延期。A parent's note indicating extenuating circumstances for an incomplete assignment may allow for an extension of time.

我们理解学生可能会遇到各种各样的困难。我们会根据实际情况考虑的。We understand there are extenuating circumstances that some students may experience. We consider these on a case by case basis.

写一篇自传,介绍你在高中时期的目标和任何影响你达到此目标的情形。Write an autobiographical essay describing your goal and any extenuating circumstances that effect your performance in high school.