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你有治疗毒蛇咬伤的解毒药吗?Do you have any antidote for a snakebite?

无毒蛇咬伤通常有多个牙印。Snakebite usually have no more than Yayin.

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这种药草可用作蛇咬的解毒药。This herb can act as an antidote against snakebite.

这种药草可以用作被蛇咬后的解毒药。This herb can act as an antidote against snakebite.

医院收治的这类蛇伤病人不在少数!Hospital admission of such patients Snakebite a few!

目的探讨毒蛇咬伤的急救处理方法。Objective To approach the first aid treatment of snakebite.

肾损伤是蛇咬伤常见的严重并发症之一。Renal injury is one of the severe and common complications in snakebite.

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就在我八岁要离开非洲的时候,乔吉被毒蛇咬死了。When I was 8, just before we left Africa, Georgie was killed by a snakebite.

缺少抗蛇毒血清、救治蛇蛟伤,在那儿十分普遍。Shortages of antivenom medicines, the treatment for snakebite , are common there.

为了改善这种状况,专家们提出了一项名为“全球蛇咬伤行动”的计划。To help improve the situation, experts have formed a project called the Global Snakebite Initiative.

柳叶刀医药日报最近刊登了一系列关于蛇咬伤防治的报道。The Lancet medical journal recently published a series of reports on snakebite prevention and treatment.

民间主要用于治疗痢疾、肠炎、水火烫伤、蛇咬伤、疔疮肿毒等。It has been used to treat diarrhea, enteritis, scald, snakebite furuncle in Chinese traditional medicine.

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她来到了埃及南部。在这个毒蛇自杀身亡的说法产生的地方进行调查。She's on her way to southern Egypt to investigate a place that hints of the origins of the snakebite story.

布朗的调查对克利奥帕特拉用毒蛇自杀身亡的说法提出了几个疑点。Pat Brown's investigation has raised serious doubts about the story that Cleopatra committed suicide by snakebite.

为改善这种现状,专家们提出了一项名为“国际蛇咬伤行动”的全球计划。To help improve the situation, experts have formed an international project called the Global Snakebite Initiative.

目的探讨蛇伤药酒抗眼镜蛇毒、内毒素及细菌的效果。Objective To explore the treatment effects of anti-cobratoxin, anti-endotoxin and antisepsis for the snakebite tincture.

每个野外活动的人正确且全面地认识毒蛇和了解蛇伤防治非常必要。Each field activities were correct and comprehensive understanding of snakes and understanding of Snakebite very necessary.

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“全球蛇咬伤行动”正努力增加高质量抗蛇毒血清治疗方法的实用性,和提高针对病人护理的医疗培训。The Global Snakebite Initiative is trying to increase the availability of good quality antivenom treatments and improve medical training for patient care.

"全球蛇咬伤行动"正努力增加高质量抗蛇毒血清治疗方法的可获得性,和提高针对病人护理的医疗培训。The Global Snakebite Initiative is working to increase the availability of good quality antivenom treatments and improve medical training for patient care.

方法应用抗蛇毒血清和机械通气救治23例银环蛇咬伤致急性呼吸衰竭患者。Methods 23 cases of snakebite by Bungarus multicintus in enmergency department, and all of them were induced ARF, they were treated by mechanical ventilation and antivenom.