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高大的栎树把花园遮得很暗。Large oak trees overshadow the garden.

出口和投资令居民消费相形见拙。Exports and investment overshadow household consumption.

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但鞋类争端却可能给上述成绩蒙上阴影。But the footwear dispute could overshadow those successes.

旗舰店的光芒会遮住其他在同一地区的姐妹店。Flagships are meant to overshadow its sister stores in its area.

然而关于利比亚的能源地缘政治的争议继续笼罩利比亚。Yet energy geo-politics continue to overshadow the Libyan situation.

这个遗址本身作为证据就不应被其他东西所掩盖,他强调。Nothing must overshadow the evidence of the site itself, he stressed.

但周五的就业数据恐将让本周其他数据相形失色.But Friday's jobs data could overshadow the rest of the week's numbers.

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对总统安全的担忧可能会给他的调解使命蒙上阴影。Fears for the President's safety could overshadow his peace-making mission.

正是在这个时候,迈克.杰克逊的音乐生涯被他奇异的私人生活蒙上了阴影。It was at this point that Mr. Jackson’s bizarre private life began to overshadow his music.

目前遮阳网主要有室内遮荫和室外遮荫。Currently there are mainly 2 types of overshadow screen, indoor shading and outdoor shading.

然而,正反两方的激辩却有可能掩盖处于事件中心的个人故事。But the heated language on both sides tended to overshadow the human story at the center of the case.

中国话题的日益升温也给布什总统新的市场开放贸易计划笼上了阴影。The looming China debate could overshadow Mr.Bush's attempts to secure new market-opening trade deals.

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因泄密而吸引到泄密者身上的注意力有时会超过被泄露的秘密本身。The attention bestowed on the leaker can at times overshadow the value of the news that has been leaked.

诀窍就是不要让那些闲谈淹没了真正需要安静回应的精神需求。The trick is to not let the chatter overshadow the need for quiet reflection that spirituality requires.

尽管礼物很重要,但他们从未忽视耶稣低微的出生这一信息。While the gifts were important, they were never meant to overshadow the message of Jesus’s humble birth.

今晚利物浦转会市场不顺冲谈了今天他们足总杯第三轮面对雷丁的比赛。Liverpool's transfer activity is threatening to overshadow their FA Cup third-round trip to Reading today.

天使回答说,圣灵要临到你身上,至高者的能力要荫庇你。The angel answered, "The Holy Spirit will come upon you. The power of the Most High God will overshadow you."

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尽管如此,这些冗繁的问题不应该掩盖女性在近十年里取得的戏剧性的进步。Still, these nagging problems should not overshadow the dramatic progress that women have made in recent decades.

同时,我们不希望我们的故事掩盖了那些绝望的出逃者的严重的生存困境。At the same time, though, we do not want our story to overshadow the critical plight of these desperate defectors.

落叶前遮荫处理使GA3含量稍有降低,但对ABA影响不大。Overshadow treatment before defoliation could reduce GA3 content slightly, but its effect on ABA content was little.