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查伦是个胸部丰满的金发碧眼的女人,笑起来的声音像链锯。Charlene was a busty blonde with a laugh like a chain saw.

他说,女性尤希望自己双腿修长、胸部丰满、身材苗条。They particularly wanted to look leggy , busty and skinny, he said.

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她在参加聚会一直以来都是大大的胸脯,这使我觉得她是真实的。She's been busty since the Party of Five days, which makes me think hers are real.

裸体的伯·德里克,身上涂满了金色的蜂蜜,点着蜡烛。A nude and candle-lit Derek has golden honey poured across her lean yet busty body.

高挑和瘦长,娇小跟丰满,结实的,有曲线的,柔软或肌肉发达的-我们都喜爱。Tall and gangly, small and busty , muscular, curvy, soft or sinewy — we celebrate it all.

她有着丰满的胸部,六十年代初期为比基尼泳衣的推广赚了很多人气。She is a busty woman and helped expand the popularity of bikini swimwear in the early 1960s.

带有大胸模特的广告早就替代了四方脸割麦子的劳动妇女。Advertisements with busty models have long replaced posters of square-jawed women scything wheat.

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尽管许多网民批评影片中过多的坦胸露乳,但很多男性恰恰为了这一点观看影片。Although many netizens criticized the movie for its busty wardrobe, many men watched the movie for the skin.

她的32E罩杯胸部在穿着最新款式的夏季系列文胸时感觉非常舒适,这款文胸特为丰满的英国人提供了DD-G罩杯。And her 32E cup assets were very comfortable in the new high summer range, which offers DD-G cups for busty Brits.

这位来自贝尔法斯特的性感美女表示要改变英国“严厉无聊”的政治,这会让布朗首相十分闹心。And the busty Belfast blonde could get Brown all hot under the collar with her antidote agenda to "serious and boring" politics.

他是魔兽世界论坛的常客,用大胸脯美女做头像。He was a regular in talk forums for players of “World of Warcraft, ” using a busty female as his avatar and the handle Conservatism.

每位参赛者都必须提供女主角高清晰度的迷人照片,并附上她们的出生日期和足以让电脑游戏里的大胸女英雄劳拉·克劳福特脸红的三围数字。Each of the contestants had to provide glamorous shots of hi-resolution divas, complete with date of birth and body measurements to make busty video game heroine Lara Croft blush.