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好在这些致命生物又游走了。But the lethal creature bobbed off.

这些刀都是绝对致命的。All these knives are absolutely lethal.

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一种新的致命病毒正在横行无忌。A new and lethal virus was on the loose.

该菌孢子致死温度为55℃。The lethal temperature of thepathogen was 55℃.

最严重的致死性并发症是暴发性结肠炎。The most lethal complication is fulminating colitis.

这种情况会造成致命性心律失常。This condition may cause lethal cardiac arrhythmias.

它与克莱莫地雷一样没有致命性。It is the less- lethal equivalent of a claymore mine.

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天花是史上最致命的疾病之一。Smallpox is one of the most lethal diseases in history.

在用注射毒剂的方式执行死刑时,为什么还要消毒针头?Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

在极端情况下,这能够造成致人于死地的铅的剂量。In extreme cases this could create a lethal dosis of lead.

低温是咖啡叶细胞的致死温度。Temperature below 5℃ was lethal for Coffea arabica leaves.

在潜艇战中,空军的致敌于死命的威力还没有发挥出来。The lethal power of the air inU-boat warfare was yettocome.

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他们快把蓖麻毒素——一种致命的植物毒素——研发为武器了。They were close to weaponizing ricin —a lethal plant toxin.

在潜艇战中,空军的致敌于死命的威力还没有发挥出来。The lethal power of the air in u-boat warfare was yet to come.

毕竟潜艇是世界上最致命的战舰杀手。After all, submarines are the world’s most lethal ship-killers.

恶性高血压是最容易导致死亡的一种高血压。Malignant hypertension is the most lethal form of hypertension.

一位女士带著两个小孩、一杯咖啡、和一个娃娃车是会致人于死的。A woman with two kids, a cup of coffee and a stroller is lethal.

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商业捕渔一直被视为是美国最危险的工作。Commercial fishing routinely ranks as America’s most lethal job.

制造中子弹的目的是为了用致命的辐射来杀死坦克操作手们。Neutronbombs are meant to kill tank crews by lethal irradiation.

致畸胎试验和致突变试经均为阴性。Teratogenity test and dominant lethal test in mice were negative.