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空气冷冰冰地,我心里已经开始怀疑自己。The air was pitilessly raw and already my heart misgave me.

所有那些逾越界限的人们都将受到她无情的鞭笞与惩罚。All those who overstep the limit are pitilessly punished by her.

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它似乎是落在心灵深处的一滴泪,它无情的将心灵上的尘垢拭去!It is like a drop of clear tear to our heart wiping off the dust of our soul pitilessly.

者被忠诚地而且冷酷地执行所有的命令的家仆包围着他自己。The dictator surrounded himself with myrmidons who would loyally and pitilessly execute all orders.

而否认这一主张的人就是心存恶毒偏见之人,必须被无情地“消灭”掉。Those denying the truth of this statement are badly prejudiced and must be pitilessly "liquidated."

虽然他们都是年轻人,但是他们走路的时候都把头低着,太阳微笑着把光芒洒在他们悲伤的步伐上,一点儿也不可怜他们。Though they were young they walked with bowed heads, which gait of grief the sun's rays smiled on pitilessly.

当我们不断去追求梦想时,却发现前面如一道墙一样,把梦想与现实无情地隔开来。When we pursue our dreams, we find there seems a wall in front of us which separating the ideal life and real life pitilessly.

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全球化已经成为一个不可逆转的客观事实和发展趋势,它无情地影响着世界历史的进程,无疑也影响着中国的历史进程。Globalization has become an irreversible fact and trend of development. It pitilessly affects not only the course of the world history, but also that of Chinese history.

本论文采用比较分析的方法,针对作品本身,从主题、种类、写作手法三个方面具体分析了两部作品的成功因素。Salinger pitilessly reveal, satirize, and criticize the ugly world. By comparing the two novels, the thesis is to analyze the three successful elements of each ? theme, kind and technique.

它无情地斩断了把人们束缚于天然首长的形形色色的封建羁绊,它使人和人之间除了赤裸裸的利害关系,除了冷酷无情的“现金交易”,就再也没有任何别的联系了。It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his "natural superiors", and has left no other nexus between people than naked self-interest, than callous "cash payment".