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卡特赖特博士说,梦连接我们的过去与现在。Doctor Cartwright says dreaming unites our past and present.

Cartwright博士说,“那个时候才最有可能记得一个梦。”"That's when you are most likely to catch a dream," says Dr. Cartwright.

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对那些有时做噩梦的人,卡特怀特可能会给怎样的建议?。What advice might Cartwright give to those who sometimes have had dreams?

当晚,西尔维亚·卡特赖特为胡锦涛和夫人刘永清举行欢迎宴会。On the same night, Cartwright held a welcoming banquet for Hu and his wife.

他们选择了“电子战”又名“雷达干扰,”卡特怀特说。They chose “electronic warfare, ” a.k.a. “radar jamming, ” Cartwright said.

卡特怀特夫人告诉法庭她并非“有意制造噪音”。Mrs Cartwright told the court that she was not ‘making the noise on purpose’.

“你将工作得更好,感觉更敏捷,更具有创造力”,卡特赖特说道。"You'll work better, feel sharper, actually be more creative, " says Cartwright.

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Cartwright强调称“动手”并不必然意味着另一次DEVGRU突袭。Cartwright emphasized that “going after them” didn’t necessarily mean another DEVGRU raid.

“如果他们的梦是乏味的,”卡特赖特说,“他们的情感无法很好地开始工作,并处理离婚。”" Cartwright says, "they hadn't started to work through their emotions and deal with the divorce.

卡特莱特女士说,对于那些睡得好的人,做梦有助于他们在白天控制自己的情绪。Miz Cartwright says for people who sleep well, dreaming can help them control their emotions during the day.

在被投诉了25次之后,卡罗琳.卡特怀特被认为违反了噪声控制通告。Caroline Cartwright was found guilty of breaching a noise abatement notice served on her after 25 complaints to police.

卡特赖特被称为“棒球之父”,因为这项运动的现代规则跟他最初制订的规则非常相似。Cartwright is called "the father of baseball" because the modern rules of the game are very similar to his original rules.

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卡特莱特说,无人驾驶战机星期四首次投入战斗,可是天气恶劣,那些无人机可能不会全天执行任务。Cartwright said the first flights launched Thursday, but the weather was poor, so the drones could not stay out the full day.

卡特赖特表示,新中建交近35年来,两国关系发展良好。Cartwright indicated that since the establishment of diplomatic ties 35 years ago, bilateral relations have been developing soundly.

在其它的反对意见之中,俄罗斯担心拦截器可能被改造成为短程核导弹,根据卡特莱特的说法。Among other objections, Russia feared the interceptors could be modified to become short-range nuclear missiles, according to Cartwright.

Cartwright称,卫星在12月发射以后几个小时内就停止了工作,对于联系失去了反应。Cartwright said the satellite stopped working within hours of its launch in December and has not responded to attempts to communicate with it.

四个女人一坐到牧场主屋的门廊处,八十三岁的蒂利•卡特赖特就这样说。We need a man and we need one bad, " eighty-three-year-old Tillie Cartwright said, the moment the four women sat down on the porch of the ranch house."

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Cartwright承认,一些主办城市,尤其是德班和开普敦,试图启动一些项目,但总体而言为时已晚。Cartwright admits that some host cities, most notably Durban and Cape Town, have tried to initiate projects, but says in general it has been left too late.

当然除了他们之外,罗恩哈珀,史蒂夫科尔,还有比尔卡特赖特这些都是值得尊敬的球员。While guys like Ron Harper, Steve Kerr and Bill Cartwright deserve respect, they weren't in the same class as the championship teammates of Magic and Bird.

皮蓬当时就道歉了,卡特怀特说,并且在比赛中表现优异,公牛队在系列赛中追平了对手并且带着一分的优势进入最后的关头,那是与纽约的第五场比赛。Pippen apologized, Cartwright said, and played brilliantly as the Bulls evened the series and took a one-point lead into the final seconds of Game 5 in New York.