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牛油入锅,加热融化。Heat butter in a skillet until melted.

每只锅中放入1大汤匙黄油。Add 1 tablespoon butter to each skillet.

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在大平底锅里将油烧到中温。Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat.

烧热炒锅,入半勺沙拉油加热。Heat up a skillet with half tablespoon of oil.

我得承认,我其实不喜欢斯奇勒这家伙。I must admit, I don't really like this Skillet.

用一个中等大小的长柄锅把油加热,然后加入大蒜。In a medium skillet , heat oil, and add garlic.

取一个较深的煮锅,倒入1英寸深的水。Fill a large high-sided skillet with 1 inch water.

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用大火在超大号煮锅里热油。Heat oil in heavy extra-large skillet over high heat.

加入扁豆,鸡精和水。Add lentils, chicken bouillon and water to the skillet.

在12英寸的平底锅中溶化黄油,用中等温度。Melt butter in a 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium heat.

取大平底锅或烤盘一个,开中火融化黄油。Melt butter over medium heat in a large skillet or griddle.

同时,在煮锅中用中火加热橄榄油。Meanwhile, heat the olive oil in a skillet over medium heat.

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先将培根在中温的平底锅煎好至金黄,把油沥干,弄成小片,待用。To fry in a frying pan or skillet with a small amount of fat.

用中号煮锅开中火加热2汤勺橄榄油。Heat 2 tablespoons oil in medium skillet over medium-high heat.

捏成小馅饼,并放到放了油的煎锅内炸,直至变成金褐色。Shape into patties. Fry in an oiled skillet until golden brown.

在一只大的不粘锅中高火加热一大汤匙油。Heat 1 tablespoon oil in a large nonstick skillet over high heat.

揭盖煮至将所有煮锅中的汤汁收干。Uncover and boil until any liquid remaining in skillet evaporates.

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我还需要在柴炉附近装一个钩子来挂平底锅。And I will need to install a hook near the stove for the big skillet.

热镬下油把虎虾炒熟,并以盐及黑胡椒调味。In a hot skillet pan-fry the tiger prawns. Add salt and pepper to taste.

取一只大号不粘锅,用中高火加热2汤匙油。Heat 2 tablespoons oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat.